By: Phil | 10-22-2017 | News
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Boycott Jeepers Creepers: The Pedophile Film Franchise

Are you a horror movie fan? It's certainly the time of year for it. If you're a fan of horror flicks, you've almost certainly seen, or at least heard of the Jeepers Creepers series. In that case, you may even be looking forward to seeing the latest in the series, Jeepers Creepers 3. I urge you against this.

If you weren't already familiar with Victor Salva, the writer director, you'll most likely be shocked to find out that Salva is a convicted child molestor and child pornographer. After raping a 12 year old boy on the set of his first film Clownhouse, he was sentenced to 3 years, of which he spent less than a year and a half in prison. Amazing what money can do for you, huh? And that's what it comes down to.

If the idea of dropping coins in the pocket of a literal child rapist doesn't seem exceedingly palatable, then please make sure you do not watch movies like Clownhouse, Powder and the Jeepers Creepers series. Nathan Forest Winters will never act again. The 12 year old boy who was kept behind on the set to make a different sort of movie for Victor Salva's sick pleasures. The fact that Disney would hire a convicted child molestor is surprising (if you're not familiar with how Disney really works).

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Film director, convicted paedophile Victor Salva, featured jokes about child abuse in new Jeepers Creepers film <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; John Durant (@johndurant) <a href="">October 15, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Considering the fact that the Disney movie, written and directed by Victor the pederast, had its opening picketed by Winters to no avail is a shameful fact and enough for me to spurn the "family company" entirely.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Director Victor Salva was convicted of sexually abusing his 12-year-old star in &#39;88. Hollywood gave him a franchise: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) <a href="">October 17, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Winters himself has pleaded:

<blockquote>"Please don't spend your money on this movie. It would just go to line the pockets of this child molester. I needed to face this. I've lived through years and years and years of pain and trauma. I'm being healed daily. It's unreal the amount of stuff that's built up all these years that's starting to be released. But it doesn't work like, 'Boom! – I'm OK now.'"</blockquote>

It's amazing that with all the fury at serial abusers like Weinstein, a monster like Salva can go literally unnoticed. For child and adult victims of abuse, this is a frightening prospect, the thought that a monster like this could run free. Who needs cinematic villains like Freddie Krueger when real life "Creepers" like Victor are offered millions for indulging their sick fantasies on the silver screen.

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Anonymous No. 10152 2017-10-23 : 00:31

Saw another story about this. In the comment section some guy (Eric Mand or something similar) kept sticking up for the filmmaker. "Oh, sure it was bad, but the movies were SOOO good." Or explaining how "Oh, it's ok to watch these movies and enjoy them."

Probably either Salvo himself or someone just like him.

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