By: Red Pill | 12-03-2017 | News
Photo credit: Cook County Jail

Criminal Savage Cuts Out his Brother-In-Law’s Intestines on Chicago City Bus

Chicago is known as one of the most if not the most violent city inside of these United States of America, and according to authorized that violence is only increasing.

To confirm that, an incredibly heinous crime involving two men occurred on a CTA city bus route; which literally left organs spilled out into the aisles.

The Chicago Police Department says that 37-year-old Darnell Scott pulled out a two inch pocket knife will he was onboard the 63 CTA bus and began stabbing his 50-year-old brother in law, doing so over 25 times in the abdomen, legs, neck, arms, and the back of his skull as the bus passed along the 300 block of 63rd Street.

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The extremely gory situation left countless dozens of witnesses on the bus to see the victim’s intestines strewn across the floor of the bus as the demented savage Darnell Scott disemboweled his victim for the world to see.

Assistant State's Attorney Craig Taczy said that Scott is now charged an aggravated battery with great bodily harm and is scheduled to return to court next week.

Taczy also said that the incident occurred without any warning or even a single word between the two men. Several passengers recorded the entire series of events on their mobile devices, which will be used as evidence in a court of law.

In court, Cook County Judge John F. Lyke Jr. Stayed that it was the brother-in-law who first approached Scott on the bus, but then later denied bail after prosecutors reiterated that Scott threw the first punch.

Scott was also ordered to have no contact with the victim throughout the process of trial and leading up to that point.

Defense attorneys say that Scott is a married father, with three children and that he needs to he able to bond out to provide for them.

Not that such a defense isn't to be anticipated by such a crowd, but Scott wasn't concerned with those children when he was cutting out another man's intestines on public transportation.

Judge Lyke said that Scott be eligible to seek a reduced bond at his next hearing, later thus month, according to the<a href=""> Chicago Tribune</a>.

—<i>[email protected]</i>

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Anonymous No. 13216 2017-12-03 : 11:58

WOW !!! Chicago… who would have ever thought such a thing could happen there.


(Southern sarcasm for you liberals)

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