By: Major James Burdock | 04-13-2017 | News
Photo credit: Holly Kuchera |

'MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS' Trump Drops Largest Non-nuclear Weapon on Afghanistan

"We kicked it out the back door," one U.S. official told a new agency, referring to the main cargo ramp for the C-130 aircraft which is the only aircraft large enough to deliver a payload of this size.

The bomb, weighing 21,600-pounds, is the largest non-nuclear bomb the U.S. has and until now never used in combat. MOAB or Massive Ordinance Air Blast Bomb, is also known as "The mother of all bombs."

Craters left by test blasts of MOAB are more than 300 meters wide. This seems to be in line with Trump's campaign promise saying that he would "Bomb the shit out of them." - referring to ISIS and Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The munition was dropped in the Nangarhar province on the Northeast border with Pakistan. The strike appears to be in retaliation for the death of a Green Beret operating in the area.

The Goldwater will update you on the state of the target when the dust settles.


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