By: Savannah Smith | 07-10-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter | AJ Francis

NFL Stars Slams TSA For Spilling Mom's Ashes

When a mother is involved or any part of her, any child’s wrath when she is shown disrespect is always understandable. That’s exactly what happened to New York Giant’s defensive tackle A.J. Francis who has taken to social media to express his fury at the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) handling of his dead mother’s remains allegedly spilling her ashes on his clothes after going through his bag during a security check.

The athlete was traveling to Arkansas and California with his mother Carrie’s remains in a trip that was meant to “celebrate her life.” Francis’ mom died late last month.

Francis discovered that his mother’s ashes were “disturbed” after he had taken a flight from Los Angeles LAX airport to Orlando when he went to collect his bag and found his mom’s ashes spilled all over his clothes.

The football star didn’t mince words in expressing his anger over the matter on social media. He posted: “Hey you pieces of a**at @TSA next time you _ feel the need to go thru my mother’s ashes for no reason, make sure you close it back so her remains aren’t spilled on all my clothes… the least you pieces of garbage can do is your ____ job. “

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hey you pieces of shit at <a href="">@TSA</a> next time you assholes feel the need to go thru my mother’s ashes for no reason, make sure you close it back so her remains aren’t spilled on all my clothes… the least you pieces of garbage can do is your fucking job <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; FRAN¢ (@AJFrancis410) <a href="">July 9, 2018</a></blockquote>

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He added in another tweet that he found the move ‘the most asinine & irresponsible s**t I have ever seen.”

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Francis was quick to clarify that he wasn’t exactly upset that the TSA had checked on her mom’s ashes, but that they had been so careless as to not even close it properly, causing it to spill all over his clothes. That’s certainly not the proper handling for the remains of any dead person, and especially in Francis’ case, his own mother.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The craziest part of this <a href="">@TSA</a> shit is that I dont even care that they checked it… they were just being cautious, &amp; I can understand that.<br><br>But to not ensure that it won’t spill back into my bag after you put it back in is the most asinine &amp; irresponsible shit I have ever seen.</p>&mdash; FRAN¢ (@AJFrancis410) <a href="">July 9, 2018</a></blockquote>

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TSA was quite fast in issuing an apology on its Twitter account for “disturbing the remains.” TSA also added that their agents are barred from opening ashes under any circumstances.

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But Francis had a still furious comeback. He replied: “Under all circumstances, f**k yourself.”’

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Under all circumstances fuck yourself <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; FRAN¢ (@AJFrancis410) <a href="">July 9, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Other than his social media rant, Francis said he is not interested in pursuing a legal case or even filing a formal complaint on the matter because he doesn’t believe it will even make a difference.


Twitter: #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat! #AJFrancis #TSA #SecurityCheck #SpilledAshes

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Anonymous No. 30863 2018-07-10 : 14:03

NFL = Nigger Felon League

Jeff Allen No. 30886 2018-07-10 : 18:34

Look! The post of anonymous no. 30862 is that of an idiot on his way to hell if he doesn't change his ways. Someone afraid to use his real name because he's just an ( ! ) who live in his mommies basement.

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