By: Lexy | 09-30-2018 | News
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Christine Ford's "Two Front Doors" A Lie - Photos Show House Remodel Was Earlier Than Claimed

Dr. Christine Ford’s horrible accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh have rocked the political world.

Ford’s accusations have been in question by the Republicans since she has provided no date, no location and all of the alleged witnesses, including her close friend, denied the allegations.

I don’t typically watch videos about body language but this one was very interesting.

Body Language: Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Christine Blasey Ford.

<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;"><iframe width="360" height="202" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

We now have information showing Christine Ford lied about the entire story.

In her testimony to the Committee, Dr. Ford stated that she added a second door on her house in 2012.

“Over the years, I told very, very few friends that I had this traumatic experience. I told my husband before we were married that I had experienced a sexual assault. I had never told the details to anyone — the specific details — until May 2012, during a couples counseling session.”

“The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long edit of our home and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand.”

“In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail. I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the U.S. Supreme Court, and spoke a bit about his background at an elitist all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland. My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.”

There is proof that this was a blatant lie.

This was her basis for the entire story she told the US Senate Judiciary Committee. She swore under oath, and she lied.

Allow me to explain. The second front door was built on their home well before 2012 and not for the reasons Ford gave the Committee.

According to online sources and photos of the property from as early as 2007, the house had two doors in the front since at least 2011 and most likely earlier.

We can determine roughly when the 2nd door was added, thanks to time stamps on the Internet.

Palo Alto, CA building inspections of properties related to Ford and her spouse result in an <a href=""> inspection </a> in 2007.

The last remodel was in <a href=""> 2008 </a>.

Ford’s house in <a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306,+USA/@37.4161111,-122.1142004,3a,75y,202.61h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1san_bOwz4ZnHjQiyRkG_J0w!2e0!7i3328!8i1664!4m5!3m4!1s0x808fba6e2864084f:0x83acc0327f1ac679!8m2!3d37.4159011!4d-122.1144096"> 2007 </a>

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306,+USA/@37.4161111,-122.1142004,3a,75y,202.61h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1san_bOwz4ZnHjQiyRkG_J0w!2e0!7i3328!8i1664!4m5!3m4!1s0x808fba6e2864084f:0x83acc0327f1ac679!8m2!3d37.4159011!4d-122.1144096"> GoogleMaps </a></span

Ford’s house in <a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306,+USA/@37.4161016,-122.1142331,3a,75y,202.61h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2vgkIxq4iTZ9P1QvPEuzow!2e0!5s20110301T000000!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x808fba6e2864084f:0x83acc0327f1ac679!8m2!3d37.4159011!4d-122.1144096"> March 2011 </a>. See the door behind the Bush?

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306/@37.4161016,-122.1142331,3a,75y,202.61h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2vgkIxq4iTZ9P1QvPEuzow!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x808fba6e2864084f:0x83acc0327f1ac679"> GoogleMaps </a></span

Ford’s house in <a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306,+USA/@37.4160804,-122.1142026,3a,75y,202.61h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0d334V05-0ACheXLa3vOYg!2e0!5s20111101T000000!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x808fba6e2864084f:0x83acc0327f1ac679!8m2!3d37.4159011!4d-122.1144096"> November 2011 </a>.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306/@37.4160804,-122.1142026,3a,75y,202.61h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s0d334V05-0ACheXLa3vOYg!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x808fba6e2864084f:0x83acc0327f1ac679"> GoogleMaps </a></span

Ford’s house in <a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306/@37.4160353,-122.1141332,3a,75y,30h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sS6B5AaNNZ16hExeHjCGIUg!2e0!4m6!1m3!3m2!1s0x808fba6e246b6cd1:0x7d94c465f5ba8bba!2s3873+Duncan+Pl,+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306!3m1!1s0x808fba6e246b6cd1:0x7d94c465f5ba8bba?gl=ush"> most recent photograph from google map, which is 2015 </a>. Notice how the hedge is covering the door? Guess the need for that door isn’t there anymore?

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=",+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306/@37.4160353,-122.1141332,3a,75y,30h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sS6B5AaNNZ16hExeHjCGIUg!2e0!4m6!1m3!3m2!1s0x808fba6e246b6cd1:0x7d94c465f5ba8bba!2s3873+Duncan+Pl,+Palo+Alto,+CA+94306!3m1!1s0x808fba6e246b6cd1:0x7d94c465f5ba8bba?gl=ush"> GoogleMaps </a></span

Ford’s testimony is riddled with unanswered questions and false statements.

Listen to some clips below where she describes her reason for wanting the second door.

The clip <a href=""> here </a> she says the incident in the 1980’s is in her medical records twice: “The first time is in 2012 with my husband in couples therapy with the quibbling over the door”. Very much present tense, as in remodeling happening at same time as couples therapy.

This is from her <a href=""> opening statements </a>:

“I had never told the details to anyone, the specific details, until May 2012, during a couples counseling session. The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home, and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail.”

“Our house does not look aesthetically pleasing from the curb.”

This seemed to imply that currently, it does not look pleasing to the eye. You can barely see the 2nd front door anymore. In the November 2011 google map photo, you can see that they had already started putting posts up for the wooden wall. The walkway and new flowerbeds are already in.

Dianne Feinstein asked Ford “And do you have that second front door”?

The March 2011 photo shows the new door. You can see that the remodel (addition) was in the rear of the house.

If you compare the 2007 photo to the 2011 photo, you can see the new roofline in the back. The November 2011 image shows the wood wall posts with a new pathway in front of the new door area. In 2015 you can’t see the door.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Palo Alto bldg permit records raise questions about Ford&#39;s testimony she completed an “extensive remodel” of home in 2012 &amp; that this was seminal event that led her down path to coming out against Kavanaugh b/c she needed to add an escape door. Permit was issued in 2008</p>&mdash; Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) <a href="">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Was there another reason for the door back in 2008?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">she built an addition on the house that they rent out !!!!! not for safety I pulled the property tax records she even said they use for google interns been verified even shows renters that receive mail at that address</p>&mdash; amlatx (@AmandaMillsLA) <a href="">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">… going on at the time. On March 26, 2012 – just weeks before Ford came out to her therapist about Kavanaugh – Jeffrey Toobin wrote a big story in The New Yorker trashing Kavanaugh &amp; warning Romney could tap him for SC if he won the election that year:<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) <a href="">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Related Sources:

<b>By: Lexy </b>

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