The infamous washed up actor who has been exposed as a bias liberal with a demented ideological stance and perspective on life in general was arrested recently in Georgia.
Shia is on location filming his newest movie “The Peanut Butter Falcon”, and has stirred some major controversy in recent weeks first being filmed urinating with his genitals exposed on a public beach and then later being arrested for “Drunk & Disorderly” conduct this past week.
However now there is a new video out which shows Shia LaBeouf not only fleeing from law enforcement to avoid arrest, by running into a hotel room, but later being narcissistic and combative towards the arresting officers.
Most would claim the escapades of both 8ch and 4chan /pol/ have mentally broken the man beyond repair. Others would claim he's simply a marxist with no future and has a massive ego.
Watch the video and decide for yourself.