By: Major Burdock | 02-20-2024 | Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: Adam Jones, Ph.D. | CC BY 2.0

Western Intellectuals in a Soros-Backed Think Tank are All-In for Promoting Iran's Interests

The Iranian regime does not solely advance its warmongering through employing a radical force like Hamas, or Hezbollah in Lebanon, or the Houthis in Yemen, with millions of dollars in payments and logistical support.

It also tries to influence policymaking in various European and American media and decision-making institutions. Iran does this to prevent any effort to halt to its massacres of the Iranian people, and to stop any efforts to block its warmongering, and any effort to end its construction of a nuclear bomb.

These advocates of appeasement also push economic interests in trade with Iran, while at the same time strongly condemning the wave of executions!


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