The end is indeed nigh for Hillary Clinton, and her ilk, as more is revealed about her vast criminal enterprise, it's involvement in a multitude of federal crimes, and the endangerment of America's National Security.
The case involves many aspects - from the mishandling of classified information to the coverup that followed afterward. Multiple government employees have since been terminated from their roles as a result of their collusion with the Clintons. The most important case of all is <i>Uranium One</i>.
We're going to cover several of these topics individually before we finally discuss the complete history of Uranium One.
<strong><span style="color:red;">Part 1: Clinton's Mishandling Of Classified Information</span></strong>
Thanks to the efforts of Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch, Americans are able to see more of the details as the clock continues to <i>”tick-tick-tick”</i> away from the Clintons.
Tom Fitton, through Judicial Watch, has helped to unveil the mask of those involved in the efforts to protect Hillary Clinton, as well as display the magnitude of illicit activities covered up by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and corrupt members of our federal law enforcement agencies.
It's a travesty for the legitimate members of the Democratic Party that were betrayed by their leadership when the party backed the corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton for President, knowing full well that she was under investigation. With the evidence being brought to light against HRC, many liberals are becoming <i>”redpilled”</i> simply by watching the lack of justice brought against a member of the "elite" protected class.
As we've witnessed in recent months, there's been numerous discoveries of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton and various members of the Democratic Party. The corruption encircles their base like a revolving door of criminality.
The scandal involving Hillary Clinton's private email server turned her candidacy into a nightmare for the federal government, who had all but held a coronation ceremony for her.
President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, said, “Now, you may not know this, but there are still thousands of pages of classified Clinton email material that the State Department has, that hasn't released to the American people.”
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This brings about an extraordinary question towards the honesty and transparency of federal law enforcement agencies. We're seeing a blatant attempt to disregard the desires of American citizens to know the truth.
“You may recall that the FBI went and found some of the records that Hillary Clinton didn't turn over that she deleted or tried to delete, and those records the State Department now has,” says Fitton.
Those following closely know that just last week,<a href=""> Judicial Watch was able to obtain classified documents </a>that were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Judicial Watch located 18 classified emails out of the 798 total documents that were produced by the United States Department of State.
Each of those emails is heavily redacted, but upon viewing one can determine that the entire Congressional testimony of Hillary Clinton in regards to sharing classified information was a complete lie. Otherwise, there would not be classified emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop.
Judicial Watch has demanded that the federal government release all additional information and emails in their possession due to the revelation that Hillary Clinton, and potentially her closest adviser, Huma Abedin, have committed federal crimes by sharing this classified information with Anthony Weiner.
It underscores a lack of integrity from both the Clinton campaign (which surprises not a single American citizen) but also brings forth a legitimate concern over who else may have had access to classified information since Hillary Clinton was so careless with what has since been found on Weiner's laptop.
Combined with the knowledge that the State Department does indeed have potentially thousands of additional files in their possession, there has been an increased desire for transparency in such a matter to display that there is no partisan bias or protections being given to Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“There are thousands of other Clinton emails that have yet to be released, and the way that the State Department has been going [during Trump's Presidency] was that they've actually slowed the release of information from the Obama Administration era,” Fitton said. “At the rate, they were producing records the FBI found, we would have to wait until 2020 to get all the records.”
This is incredibly disturbing, to say the least.
It appears as if Obama-era holdovers are still inside the various branches of the federal government. It's quite clear that President Trump has been engaged in a deeply-rooted effort to find the snakes inside of the White House and flush them out with the rest of the swamp he's draining.
Currently,<a href=""> Judicial Watch is ratcheting-up pressure </a>on the State Department in an effort to produce additional records. Judicial Watch has certainly forced the State Department into devoting more resources to release records that the American people have a right to see.
<strong><span style="color:red;">Part 2: Forcing The Government To Take Action</span></strong>
In the summer of 2017, a group of Patriots including myself were participants in a community who helped to<a href=""> launch a White House petition compelling the Federal Bureau of Investigation to hand over any additional Clinton Investigation records </a>they had in their possession. That petition was signed hundreds of thousands of times, far expanding beyond its goals.
Although the White House petition website is currently down until late January for a relaunch, there are organizations such as that of Judicial Watch actively participating in both Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for records and documents, as well as campaigning heavily on social media platforms for justice and transparency.
Efforts from independent media, and even some television mainstream media pundits such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Judge Jeanine Pirro continue to shine a spotlight on the criminal mischief of the parties who assisted in protecting Hillary Clinton, and those involved in the coverup of her crimes.
While there's evidence piling up onto what I refer to as a <i>mountain of justice</i>, it is clear that there are multiple investigations into multiple crimes that were committed by Hillary Clinton, her former boss Barack Hussein Obama, the Clinton Foundation, the Democratic National Committee, and even several members of Congress.
<strong><span style="color:red;">Part 3: The Complete History Of How The Clintons Created Uranium One - Endangering America's National Security For Profit</span></strong>
With the email case being revisited by Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ office, we also know that the “Uranium One” case has been reopened. It potentially has been ongoing for months without broadcasting it to the public and the first indictments of individuals tied to the criminal dealings of the former Administration and the Clintons were laid out just this past Friday.
Some are asking how the Indictment of a Maryland man, Mark Lambert, connects to the Clintons, Barack Obama, or the <i>”Uranium One”</i> Scandal? Honestly, we should probably stop calling it a scandal, and instead, refer to it as what it is - a federal crime and a direct threat to America's National Security.
Let me explain.
All of America's uranium is considered by the federal government and security experts as a strategic asset with National Security implications. The acquisition of Uranium One by Rosatom, Russia's State Atomic Energy Corporation, was reviewed and approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a committee of nine government agencies including the United States Department of State, which was then headed by Hillary Clinton.
In October of 2013, Uranium One became a private company and a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Russia's State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.
Both the former President Barack Hussein Obama, and his ever-corrupt Administration, in cooperation with the Hillary Clinton run State Department, gave a green light to the transfer of one-fifth of America's Uranium as well as the United States' uranium mining capacity to a nation which undoubtedly isn't our ally - Russia.
This decision had major implications for America, Barack Obama, and the Clintons. Russia isn't an ally of the United States of America, <i>they're our competition</i>.
Next, we have to acknowledge that giving America's uranium away was not a decision that deserves any respect. It's when you consider this fact, while knowing Russia is an enemy of America (just ask the Democrats), that it makes even less sense that America would ever agree to do such a thing to begin with.
On the basis of National Security risks alone, you'd think that the President of the United States of America, and his National Security advisers, would have <i>advised against</i> such an agreement. They didn't though, and America agreed to the sale of its National Security through Uranium One as per the efforts of Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama's reckless nature.
Congressional Republicans attempted to block this sale, and their efforts to prevent the transfer clearly failed, but we'll come back to this.
To add insult to injury, the Department of Justice also fully understood that what was occurring was not a safe decision for America in any way, shape, or form. However, Eric Holder was a corrupt puppet of Barack Obama, and he would allow it to occur.
The Obama Administration had a somewhat <i>tumultuous</i> relationship with Russia and had intended to repair that broken relationship with this agreement.
A bit off-topic, but could you imagine if President Trump tried to make a sale of America's uranium to Russia? Liberals would be calling for his head. Strangely, none of the left seems to care that the Obama Administration and the pay-to-play efforts of Hillary Clinton didn't just try, but they succeeded in selling America's National Security interests away for profit.
Back in 1992, The United States of America, under President George H.W. Bush, had signed an agreement with the Russian Federation that nuclear providers belonging to the United States of America would be allowed to purchase uranium from the disassembled warheads of Russia, after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Russia was undergoing a restructuring period, and the cash certainly benefited the country.
The company who provided that uranium to America was Techsnabexport (TENEX). TENEX has an American branch which is located out of Bethesda, Maryland (remember this) called “Tenam USA”, which of course is connected to Rosatom as well. For years Tenam USA was responsible for providing uranium to the United States.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: <a href="">Department of Justice Uranium One Indictment Announcement</a></span>
As you can see above, the indictments against Mark Lambert specifically name JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), which is a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, as well as the sole supplier of Russian Federation uranium enrichment and enrichment services. Lambert, who is connected to TENEX, faces one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering.
When President Obama came into office, Tenam USA would be led by Russian Officials Vadim Mikerin, who eventually was sentenced to 48 months in prison for a money laundering conspiracy of his own, according to the<a href=""> Department of Justice</a>.
Records show eyebrow-raising evidence surrounding Mikerin, who was engaged in a racketeering scheme inside of the United States of America involving bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering as far back as early 2009, shortly after Barack Hussein Obama.
As it would later be found, Barack Hussein Obama allowed Mikerin to enter the United States on a temporary L1 work visa in 2010. The FBI says, however, as part of their racketeering investigation mentioned above, that Mikerin was operating in America since 2009. These “official” reports of a work visa timeline from the Obama Administration's records simply don't match that of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
That discrepancy would be in part what would pressure patriots inside the FBI to want to further examine the connection between Obama and Mikerin, and even more importantly, the relationship between Obama and Mikerin’s employers of TENEX and it's parent company Rosatom. Mikerin’s visa would be renewed again by the Obama Administration, in 2014.
This renewal occurred just a few months prior to Mikerin’s arrest, ironically, and many began to wonder just how this simple Russian official, who was clearly engaged in a criminal syndicate, was able to get such extraordinary assistance from the Democratic Party and the Administration of Barack Obama. It seemed strange that, in a country of around 320 million people, this one foreign national was able to receive favors not just once, but twice from Hussein Obama.
"It is concerning that a suspected criminal was able to apply for and renew a work visa while being under FBI investigation," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote in a letter in the fall of 2017.
<a href="">The Hill reported </a>that Mikerin had already been the subject of an investigation by the GOP-led Congressional Committees, having been under their microscope.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=""> Rosatom</a></span>
Mikerin’s job consisted of essentially managing contracts for Rosatom, via TENEX, with any American company that wanted to purchase Russia’s uranium. Since Mikerin had the ability to negotiate such dealings he, of course, could use that to his advantage - and he did.
The FBI says that Mikerin defrauded and even extorted American companies. He was able to accomplish this by charging inflated prices, which the companies would agree to pay due to the limited supply of global uranium and the ever-increasing desire to acquire it.
So what does this mean? Well, this puts Moscow in a position to blackmail America's uranium companies, and as we mentioned before, uranium is absolutely crucial to America's National Security.
The Obama Administration endangered America's National Security by providing Mikerin with visas and renewals despite him being under investigation by the FBI.
Those reading might say, “But Obama could just deny that they knew of the Investigation.” You're right, but hold on a second we are just getting started folks. Keep reading - this is only the foundation for the connections to the Clintons, Clinton Foundation, and Barack Hussein Obama.
<b>Let's shift gears now to the Clinton Foundation.</b>
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">The Gateway Pundit</a></span>
About 13 years ago former President Bill Clinton and his friend, as well as billionaire investor, and now-board member of the Clinton Foundation, Frank Giustra, met on a philanthropic trip to Mexico and Colombia that was organized by the Clinton Foundation.
A little backstory on Giustra: the man had acquired a fortune, starting off as a stockbroker and trader for Merrill Lynch in 1970. Eventually leaving and forming Yorkton Securities, then Goldcorp, then Endeavor Financial, then founding Lionsgate Films in Hollywood (of course there would be a degenerate Hollywood connection).
In 2004, Giustra had decided to amass much of his fortune and combine it with other investors and step into the energy sector, an entirely new giant which Giustra wanted to conquer since he'd literally become a powerhouse in multiple other industries. This gave birth to UrAsia Energy.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=""></a></span>
A year later, in 2005, Bill Clinton, had a "philanthropic meeting" in Billionaire Ron Burkle’s plane<a href=""> (read more about the alleged rapes of multiple women Bill Clinton committed on that plane here) </a>, Giustra was also in attendance.
Being the savvy talker Clinton is, as well as greedy, Bill Clinton quickly noticing the smell of money as fast as he would notice cheap hookers, and he swooped down like a vulture onto Giustra.
The two discussed Guistra’s new venture into energy, and Bill Clinton told of his close friend in Kazakhstan who may be able to assist. The two would then plan a trip to the country together. A couple of years in between of building a friendship and business ties certainly helped as well.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">Slick Willy</a></span>
Forbes Magazine actually wrote about this trip the pair made to Kazakhstan, where<a href=""> </a>would defend the visit as being just a Clinton Foundation agreement enabling the government to buy low-cost HIV drugs.
This is how the Clinton Foundation operates folks. If you click that link you'll understand. They're a money laundering organization, who uses a guise of philanthropic assistance to embark up far more devious and profitable ventures.
Once the pair arrived to meet with Kazakhstan’s Dictator, the true focus of the visit was to help Giustra obtain uranium-mining rights inside of the nation for UrAsia Energy.
When this happened, the deal brokered at the meeting would then bring Guistra’s new company UrAsia into a merger with a South African company already in existence known as <b>Uranium One</b>.
Guistra’s company instantly made over $3.5 billion from this deal. Of course, this would please Guistra so much that he and <i>”Slick-Willy</i> Bill Clinton would become inseparable allies.
The Clinton Foundation had gained a new member of the board, and tens of millions of dollars in donations and millions of dollars kickbacks to <i>”Slick Willy</i> himself.
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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=""> Now The End Begins</a></span>
Say what you will about Bill Clinton, but his entire life he's been blessed with the gift of gab and it took him to the White House. The connections and friendships he made during his Presidency, however, have made him and his family hundreds of millions.
So now you understand how <b>Bill Clinton himself helped to create Uranium One</b>. Even in typing this, I picture dirty Bill grinning ear to ear in his white short shorts, white socks, white tennis shoes, woven-belt, and pink polo shirt knowing that he had just conned two filthy rich men out of millions of dollars simply by taking a flight and brokering the deal.
You see? Barack Obama came into office clueless. He was lost. So enter the Hillary Clinton appointment as Secretary of State. Enter the “Clintonian prototype” of Barack Hussein Obama in part created by the corruption he would learn from watching Hillary, and her enormous circle of wealthy connections.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">The Daily Beast</a></span>
So we head back over to Uranium One. We now understand just how Bill Clinton assisted in its creation, and as mentioned earlier, we know how Russia came to sell America its uranium.
We've also discussed, in part, how Hillary Clinton's State Department along with her “boss” (it's hard to say “boss” that now that you know who was pulling the strings) would approve the transfer of America's uranium to Russia.
Let's complete that discussion.
Bill Clinton's close friend Giustra and the company Uranium One controlled one-fifth of America's uranium.
Vladimir Putin, after restoring Russia to economic stability, or somewhat, since it was originally on the verge of collapse when Russia first began selling the United States their uranium in 1992, wanted uranium.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">PhD Serf Research</a></span>
Specifically, Putin wanted Kazakhstan's uranium, but Bill Clinton's deal with Giustra has already crushed those prospects.
Giustra made $3.5 billion instantly from the deal in 2007, and he was the time of entrepreneur who wanted “notches on his belt”, as well as profit. He'd conquered the energy sector, and felt accomplished about it.
Putin had strong ties to the Kazakhstan dictator, who then arrested the person responsible for the sale of the nation's uranium to Uranium One. Putin had this kind of capability since he could destroy many nations economically through his connections and always would make sure that those who oppose his will are indeed crushed like a bug.
What then happened, was the part of the Uranium One company that Bill Clinton had brokered for his friend Giustra to own in the foreign land, was facing a seizure from the Kazakh government.
Because of this threat, the stock in the company came crashing down. Every investor and executive began to freak out.
Giustra remembered he had an ally in the American government, through the wife of the man who helped make the deal, in Hillary Clinton.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">Townhall</a></span>
Of course, Barack Obama was then a tadpole, still fresh into the waters of the Presidency on his own. He allowed Hillary Clinton's State Department to do as it liked.
The State Department would begin negotiations with their counterparts in the Kazakh government, of course not in behalf of the American people as Hillary’s job should have been, but on behalf of the greedy and vile woman's personal interests.
Giustra’s executives in Uranium One were already rich, the stock was in trouble, and they cared less about what happened as long as they could wash their hands clean.
A negotiation was apparently made behind closed doors that pleased everyone, with the Russians being able to purchase 17% of the Uranium One company.
That would happen through the Russian energy giant Rosatom. Once this deal was to be completely finished the Kazakh government would no longer seek to seize Uranium One, Putin would be happy, the American executives would be happy, and all would be well.
The Clintons of course had negotiated a second deal for Uranium One, making them likely to gain windfalls of cash twice from the same company. Are you following now? Excellent.
As we originally mentioned, TENEX is a commercial agent itself, who's entire responsibility in the United States, out of Maryland, was the sale of uranium to the United States of America, for Rosatom, which is listed directly on the<a href="">Rosatom website</a>.
As a Russian business, TENEX is also controlled by the Kremlin, with the clincher being that TENEX is a subsidiary of Rosatom.
Rosatom wanted to buy Uranium One, making the company which used to sell Russian uranium to America begin to buy it. Strange how the tide turns, is it not?
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">Mad World</a></span>
Of course, the Russians wanted to gain uranium versus sell it, so Vladimir Putin would then ask for complete control of the company instead of just the 17%.
Now, this became an issue because it threatens America's National Security. So if this ever came out to the public, they'd have the Obama Administration’s head, including the President and Hillary Clinton, for <b><i>treason</i></b>.
The Department of Justice and the majority of the branches of government at the time were filling the ranks with a modern Marxist hiring process, many of the people leading individual sections of Obama's government were loyal to the cause over the country.
What stood in the way of this progress though were two facts that couldn't be changed through just negotiations.
First, the United States of America gets a fifth of its total energy requirements from nuclear power. An astonishing achievement for America. The problem is that we actually, as a nation, only produce a fifth of that total nuclear power inside or our country.
Ouch. It's looking like a tough sell for the Clintons at this point.
The second fact that would have to be somehow overcome is that a foreign entity wouldn't be allowed to purchase America's uranium, in part due to how crucial it is to America's existence, without gaining approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).
For those who don't understand what the CFIUS is, it's what the Democrats screech about when defending the Uranium One sale. They argue that because CFIUS approved, it's somehow “legal” to have literally sold America's National Security away.
An inter-agency committee which is authorized to review transactions that could result in control of a U.S. business by a foreign person (“covered transactions”), in order to determine the effect of such transactions on the National Security of the United States.
The 14 agencies which make up CFIUS are:
The Department of the Treasury (who's the chair), the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Energy, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and Office of Science & Technology Policy.
There are also five other government agencies which are included in the CFIUS as “observers”:
The Office of Management & Budget, the Council of Economic Advisor, the National Security Council, the National Economic Council, and the Homeland Security Council.
Technically, the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting members as well.
Now as you know, two of these organizations, the Department of State and the Department of Justice were led by known-corrupt individuals, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, and Attorney General Eric Holder who led the Justice Department.
Interestingly enough, as we mentioned before, the FBI and DOJ were investigating members of Rosatom at the same time that this sale came up for review. That's quite a conflict of interest for AG Eric Holder (never forget he later left this position, and this is a huge part of why that's never talked about).
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">The Truth Factory | YouTube</a></span>
In the spring of 2010, Hillary Clinton would head into the Russian Federation as Secretary of State. Both the Russian President and Russian Prime Minister would be present at the meeting, respectively in Vladimir Putin and Dimitri Medvedev.
After the visit by Hillary, another pay-to-play scheme would come to light, that<a href=""> Bill Clinton was actually paid $500,000 </a>to give a single speech in Russia.
Of course, we all know that's just another kickback for the trip Hillary made to Russia. A small cash down-payment, to ensure the deal was completed. The Clintons are called the “Clinton Crime Family” for a reason because they act like mobsters.
Another report from The Hill foretold of a meeting that would happen while Bill Clinton was giving his speech in Russia, where he wanted to meet with Arkady Dvorkovich.
Dvorkovich was a crucial ally to Medvedev, and even more importantly, sat on the board for Rosatom. Slick Willy planned on ensuring that his needs were met if a deal was reached in America to give the Russians their priceless uranium.
I can picture Bill Clinton in a white pair of slacks, white patent leather shoes, and a white blazer with matching fedora walking into the meeting with Dvorkovich. Cigar in his mouth, Russian hookers in each arm, the former President of the United States looking much like a mobster villain (or hero dependent upon who you ask) from <i>Scarface</i> or <i>The Godfather</>.
That's how Bill Clinton had to have felt, at a minimum, knowing that he had the negotiating power now to walk out of Russia being promised hundreds of millions of dollars simply for selling away America's future.
That's exactly what he did too, and all that had to happen was his guarantee that the Russians would get their uranium if he would receive the cash through his money laundering Clinton Foundation.
Of course, the deal would be completed. It was already set, with Hillary heading the deciding vote of the State Department, and Eric Holder's placement of the Department of Justice. The rest of the government would be given an ultimatum by the Obama Administration. Bend the knee; or be replaced.
We still remain uncertain of how Obama made out. I guess some would say that being a radical Muslim in disguise and pulling off the Presidency was how. Others may say that this is how he was able to broker the Iranian Nuclear Deal, giving power to his Hezbollah allies to traffic narcotics and arms inside the United States of America, helping bring America to its knees.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="">Clinton Cash</a></span>
Congressional leadership had no idea what was occurring either. There's an excellent book in which covers some of this aspect, that you may have heard of, titled<a href=""> <i>”Clinton Cash”</i></a>.
Four members of the House of Representatives, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Spencer Bachus (R-AL), Howard McKeon (R-CA), and Peter King (R-NG) were dead set on blocking the deal. They all had acknowledged that Russia was not our ally, but our competitor and that this would destroy America's future.
They also expressed the threat that this would cause in empowering Iran to then seek nuclear weapons. Russia and Iran are key petroleum partners, and Russia undoubtedly wanted to bolster Iran in order to counter the American presence in the Middle East, who had already conquered Afghanistan where the Soviets had fallen.
Another problem for the Obama Administration was that it had aided Mikerin, the Rosatom employee who would be convicted of racketeering in the future. If the Republicans ever found out about this, it could bring down hellfire on Clinton's puppet Administration of Barack Obama.
So Eric Holder's position as Attorney General would once again need to commit a crime<a href=""> (one of several </a>during his tenure, including the<a href=""> Fast and Furious </a>program) once again.
As we know now, Eric Holder's secret remained in place with zero charges being filed against Rosatom’s leadership at the time.
Federal Agents were literally told to ignore the crimes of the Russians (much like they were told again under Loretta Lynch regarding Hezbollah) so that Clinton's betrayal of America in selling our uranium would occur.
CFIUS agreed to the sale, and history was written in a <i>”tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Clinton’s and their creeps”</i>.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href="https://HillaryForPrison.ckm"> Hillary For Prison</a></span>
<a href="">Newsweek reported </a>just what I stated about profits though, the $500,000 was just a down-payment, and Russia actually then put $145 million dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation upon completion.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="">@foxandfriends</a> "Russia sent millions to Clinton Foundation"</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">October 19, 2017</a></blockquote>
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President Trump knows this. The world knows this now. Some even have the estimated donations closer to the $250 to $300 million dollar range, but hey, who's keeping count?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009 <a href=""></a> h/t <a href="">@apblake</a> <a href=""></a></p>— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) <a href="">May 18, 2017</a></blockquote>
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This is my favorite part of the entire article guys. We have to fast forward to modern times to bring up Special Counsel Robert Mueller who's investigating the Trump Russia nonsense.
<b>Special Counsel Robert Mueller would also head into Russia to deliver Highly Enriched Uranium Samples to Russia in 2009 before Hillary’s visit in 2010 as proven via Wikileaks Cables</b>
Because of this alone, the entire position of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel is a conflict-of-interest, which I've covered numerous times, but it's beside the point of this story. I simply wanted to add that extra fact to the mix, so you can all see how idiotic and corrupt the “Russian Collusion” claims are when the real Russian Collusion was at the hands of the Clintons and Obama as well as the man overseeing the investigation.
As all of this was occurring, the<a href=""> New York Times </a>reported an interesting tale about the events. This was after the Clinton’s selling America's righteous Nation Security away, and the NYT tried to actually expose the deals.
So now you understand the business connections of the Russian companies TENEX and Rosatom, the corrupt crimes committed by multiple members of the Administration, and various federal agencies who silenced it.
We also were able to witness how Uranium One manifested from start to finish, as well as their connections to Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton's State Department.
<b>Are the dots connecting for you now? Good.</b>
I consider this to be an excellent piece explaining the matter, especially for those who are unaware of the full details. I hope you enjoyed, for those who weren't already aware of every aspect of what occurred in the case.
There's another interesting aspect of how Hillary Clinton would later manipulate the Ukraine and Russia, furthering her <i>collusion with Russians</i>, and I sometime in the near future I'll write an exposé on this as well.
The Clintons are similar to the Mafia, in the sense that they're slick, manipulative, and evil. That perfectly summarizes the Clinton Foundation as well as the Clinton family in general. The Clintons will do whatever it takes, as long as they profit personally from the endeavor.
There's absolute, solid, and convincing evidence of everything stated in this article. For those who think that in the end the Clinton's won't be charged, I tell you that they will.
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=""> Template | </a></span>
There's a civil war occurring in the government, the swamp is being drained, and many people are being brought to justice for this purpose. It will end with the final scene before the curtain call, with Hillary Clinton in handcuffs.
<strong><span style="color:red;">Tips? Info? Send me a message!</span></strong>
—<i>[email protected]</i>
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<a href="">@IWillRedPillYou</a>
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