By: Philip | 02-13-2019 | News
Photo credit: Carrienelson1 |

Scientology Squashes Scientology & The Aftermath Episode About Danny Masterson Rape Charges

Scientology doesn't have the power it used to. There was a time when whistleblowers, members who had escaped, cult education advocates and anyone who tried to raise awareness about the evils and excesses of the Church of Scientology was considered "fair game" to use some Hubbardian jargon. "Fair Game" meaning, no holds barred as far as shutting up the "Suppressive Person" in question. With Scientology's star on the wane, they don't have the finances or connections they used to, but seeing as A&E has shelved a prospective episode of Leah Remini's Scientology and the Aftermath, it appears the cult still has a bit of its old sway.

Scientology Cover-Up: Star Danny Masterson Of That 70's Show Accused By 5 Women As A Serial Rapist

Back in 2017, we covered the case of That 70's Show's Danny Masterson who was accused of several sexual assaults in the wake of the first flushes of the #MeToo movement. Leah Remini had previously speculated that Scientology was working with the LAPD to convince it to drop the investigation. Despite that, after the fifth rape allegation, Netflix dropped Danny from their show The Ranch. Apparently at Netflix when it comes to serious sexual abuse allegations, it's the fifth time that's the charm.

Remini filmed an episode about Danny Masterson and the potential Scientology coverup that was protecting him back in 2017. That episode never aired. Initially, the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office had asked for a delay because airing the episode could have a negative effect on their investigation.

According to Scientology watchdog, Tony Ortega, the network was finally going to air the episode, but A&E is saying they have not scheduled the episode. Ortega and some of the Masterson accusers are saying this is proof that Scientology is working silently behind the scenes to protect Masterson from scrutiny and themselves from embarrassment.

An unnamed accuser spoke to the Daily Beast under the conditions of anonymity:

“We are experiencing classic Scientology attacks. The week that the decision was made by the A&E network to move forward with the airing of the episode we did for Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, letters started circulating from various sources directed at A&E and Disney calling for the show to be taken off the air, declaring the show and its contributors to be bigots and many other hurtful names. And just this week we discover that at least one of these letters was in fact forged and done without authorization. We were put through these manufactured attacks. Scientology pushed and circulated these letters. The very organization that silenced us victims when we reported being violently raped, is still actively willing to use any means—there is seemingly no end to what they are willing to do just to insure our voices are taken from us.”

That 70's Show's Danny Masterson Facing Life Sentence

Another accuser, Chrissie Carnell Bixler, had the following to say via Twitter:

“‪@USC ‪@usccrcc & Cecil Murray are saying victims of rape, child molestation, & abuses that happened within ‪#Scientology are not victims? We are a hate group, because we report these crimes & speak out about crimes committed on us by Scientology? Stop shaming/silencing victims!”

Meanwhile, Masterson seems to be carrying on as if nothing ever happened.

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4 Comment/s
nankin No. 93815 2019-02-13 : 13:13

@Philip, squash / quash. You can squash a spider or a tomato; but when the meaning you intend is “to suppress,” as in rebellions or (especially) legal motions, the more sophisticated term is “quash.”

Anonymous No. 93817 2019-02-13 : 16:03

dunno bro, looks like the phrase "legally squashed" showed up in a book called Policy and Politics in Education and in an article at Wired.

google dot com/search? q=%22legally+squashed%22&rlz=1C1CHBD_enPH835PH835&oq=%22legally+squashed%22&aqs=chrome..69i57.4135j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Also, "the more sophisticated term" lol. Lrn2synonym.

Africanus Niggerasaurus No. 93819 2019-02-13 : 21:54

Lol 😂 stupid cultists.

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