By: Major Burdock | 10-26-2020 | Body Count, PedoGate, 2020, Weird, Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: dreamstime

How Much of Joe Biden Does the CCP Own?

Reckless, immoral behavior by corrupt politicians has put the national security of the US at risk.

Burdock responds to the deeper element of Chinese control over our elected officials:

More great sources:

The Goldwater is grateful for the bravery and hard work of the people at The Tiger Network:

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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 95633 2021-06-14 : 21:06

Burdock, you look RIDICULOUS

Anonymous No. 95634 2021-06-14 : 21:08

You look like an inbred hillbilly trailer park child and molester...

Safetyingrey No. 95682 2021-07-20 : 14:29

The CCP doesn't own Joe! Just as he did in Ukraine on his own and/or thru his sons, he has extorted 10% profit for himself for every deal made while serving in political office representing the US gov't.
Joe is a bonafide puppet of the NWO and George HW Bush/CIA programming; and he has acted on their behalf since he was put into office as a senator (where he served on the Church Committee investigating the CIA's abuse/criminal behavior w/ other puppets, allowing the agency to hide their evil influence as well as the individuals, "doctors", "researchers", institutions/colleges, involved in horrendous projects).
China, nor Russia, nor any other nation has been an enemy of the US; they are used purely for propaganda purposes and orchestrated motivations to inspire fear, warmongering, and compliance w/ our own gov't,, which has committed the worst acts of bioterrorism, genocide (using nuclear weapons in almost all modern conflicts), and treason for selling nuclear arms/chemical/biological weapons; creating/funding/training & arming terrorist cells who will be used against American troops.

Anonymous No. 99721 2025-02-15 : 16:04

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