By: Major Burdock | 01-23-2021 | The Purge, 2020

Biden's First Five Days by the Numbers

Many Americans are looking at the new resident of The White House with a feeling of impending doom. If we look strictly at the numbers just from the first few days, that feeling is certainly justified.

  • 67 - Percent approval rating of Obama, incoming 2009

  • 48 - Percent approval rating of Biden, incoming 2021

  • 51 - Percent approval rating of Trump, exiting 2021

  • 30 - Executive orders Biden signed in his first three days

  • 1,700 - Miles of oil supply and pipeline construction shut down

  • 11,000 - Jobs lost shutting down the Keystone Pipeline

  • 1.6 - Billion dollars in gross wages lost

  • 1 - Ranking of the US in energy production when Biden took over

  • 1,954 - Miles of US/Mexico border wall that will mean nothing

  • 509 - Miles of wall that will never be built

  • 7,000 to 9,000 - Migrants in caravan (who bypassed virus checks) headed to US Border

  • 100 - Percent of migrants Biden plans on giving amnesty to (without criminal background checks)

  • 3,500 - National Guardsmen forced to sleep in parking garage

  • 1 - Bathroom

  • 1 - Electrical outlet

  • 38 - Degrees overnight temperature

  • 8,298 - Wuhan Virus deaths under Biden

  • 2,127,857 - Deaths Biden/China is now responsible for

  • 75,000,000+ - Trump voters being targeted by Biden/Media/BigTech for cancellation

  • 50 - Percent of Americans being declared an enemy of their own country

We'll put together a separate "Biden Grifting by the Numbers" soon. We predict that while the prosperity of the average American falls, tremendous riches will be attained by those controlling the Biden Administration.

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YouTube deleting and censoring your video? - Tiger Network!
Philip Fairbanks New Book is Here
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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 95309 2021-01-24 : 13:31

Your article is shit and you can’t blame someone who just got in for deaths he wasn’t the one who said it would magically disappear one day. How sad is it when people cannot just say well we lost the election move on and we will try again next time round. That’s what the world has come to lack of acceptance and entitlement sad. Want to know who is destroying the world People not elite or anyone else People

GeorgiaKitty55 No. 95310 2021-01-24 : 20:59

Awesome, China Biden! The numbers don't lie and how any American can support anything CCP is overlooking a virus the CCP created and released on the world in 2019! Not decades ago, but it's currently killing people world-wide and China Biden supports it.

Anonymous No. 95375 2021-02-01 : 03:08

"Major" is a laughable moniker for a sawed-off 5' tall effeminate little tiny runt like yourself....

Pic Related: here's your real problem... here's the reason you won't use a public urinal next to another man.

But that's okay, because your tiny genitalia is adequate enough for Philip....

Anonymous No. 95376 2021-02-01 : 03:21

you stupid pieces of shit don't even know how to use an APOSTROPHE....

(it should've been Fairbanks' book, with an apostrophe)

by the way, Jim & Philip didn't even know how to pronounce the word 'PRIMER', but that didn't stop Philip from using it.

It's pronounced "PRIMMER', but Jim & Philip thought it was pronounced like an automotive paint PRIMER...

Tennessee white trash

Anonymous No. 99762 2025-02-15 : 17:19

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