By: Phil | 10-26-2021 | The Purge, Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: Dreamstime

Feminist Author Margaret Atwood of Handmaid's Tale Accused of Transphobia

The Handmaid's TERF? Margaret Atwood is the quintessential feminist. A feminist icon even. As the creator of The Handmaid's Tale from the book in 1985 to the 1990 film to the recent Hulu streaming series, the story has become a cultural touchstone for those who identify with the women's liberation movement.

Over the past couple of weeks though, Atwood seems to have used up those decades of goodwill in one fell swoop. From being the creator of a story that has become emblematic of activism and advocacy for women's rights to being termed a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) similar to the way Dave Chappelle and J.K. Rowling have. Atwood dipped her toe in the water last weekend with an op-ed decrying how the word "woman" was being replaced with gender neutral terms like "cervix haver" "birthing persons" etc. And as if she didn't see the furor that caused the author doubled down this weekend sharing a story about how trans-activism may "go too far."

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