President Trump made a promise to America's coal industry, especially the hard hit region of Pennsylvania under Obama, that he would reduce tough regulations in order to help boost the industry's growth.
In fact, U.S. year-to-date coal production totaled is already 14.2% higher under President Trump in 8 months than it was for the entire year in 2016.
United States coal exports are also nearly 60 percent higher in wake of the Trump Administration than at the same time as they were last year under disastrous policies by President Obama, according to Federal data.
This is great news for the coal industry, which is one of President Donald Trump’s favored constituencies.
Declining exports in the final years of the Obama Administration has been considered as a death blow to the industry, but now due to President Trump's push for better economics the industry now has some expanded breathing room.
China is also playing a role in this due to the sanctions on North Korea, where China is purchasing more coal from the United States of America.
Japan is also using more coal since the horrendously dangerous Fukushima Daiichi disaster of 2011 has pressured the island nation into avoiding Nuclear Power, alongside the fact that coal is much cheaper than natural gas.
According to the industry coal production since President Trump's inauguration alone has grown to 32 million short tons compared to 26.6 million tons produced by the end of August in 2016.
Booming production in the Eastern Pennsylvania Anthracite fields is also contributing to these numbers being a whopping 9 percent higher in the first 8 months of the Trump Presidency than it was in all of 2016.
The total national coal production for the current year has reached 499.3 million short tons as of records last week, which is another 14.2 percent increase over the same period under President Obama in 2016.
—<i>[email protected]</i>
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