By: Red Pill | 07-26-2017 | News
Photo credit: WKRG

Watch: Mattress Factory Bursts Into Flames In Pensacola, Florida

Firefighters are responding a fire at a mattress store in Pensacola, that has burst into what first responders say is a massive problem since most of the materials used in mattresses are highly flammable.

The Mattress Outlet, which is located at 3800 West Fairfield Drive in Pensacola, reportedly has flames coming out of the building and has spread to nearby storage facilities.

While firefighters say it's too soon to know if there are injuries or fatalities at this time there has been no reported injuries or individuals trapped inside.

Firefighters on scene said that cyanide is being released from the materials burning and it is in the smoke which is spreading into nearby communities. As a precaution firefighters are telling people to stay away, and say that locals should cover their faces if they go outside as not to breathe in the contaminants.



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