By: Kyle James | 08-23-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

Deaf Man Tasered After Trying To Communicate With Sign Language

A normal day turned into a nightmare for a deaf Hillcrest man when he returned to his car to find a meter officer ticketing his vehicle, but his problems didn't end there. After parking in a temporary spot for less than five minutes, the deaf man found he was being ticketed by a meter officer and when he tried to communicate with the officer using sign language he was pepper sprayed.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: Jay Heimbach - Facebook</span>

Jay Heimbach was a witness who saw the whole scene. Heimbach says the "customer freaks out because he just got sprayed," and that is when a police officer ran over and tasered him. "A cop runs over shoots him with a taser gun and tackles him down to the ground," Heimbach told San Diego Gay and Lesbian News. Heimbach took photos of the incident and then brought the man water and milk to counteract the effects of the pepper spray.

The witness also said that it appeared that the officer tasered the man because he put his hands in the meter officer's face, but Heimbach believes that he was just trying to communicate in sign language. Another man claims to have witnessed the event but he describes a different story. The second witness, Greg Stark, commented on Facebook, "I was there just as he was down. Witnesses said the man was giving a parking ticket and he was pissed, tried to choke her." San Diego police department has not released an official report on the incident as of yet.

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