By: Red Pill | 09-17-2017 | News
Photo credit: BCSO

Pedophile Owner of New Mexico Children's Medical Center Raped Multiple Children in Several State

Parents in Albuquerque, New Mexico are absolutely furious with authorities and the state after a man who's both a practicing Physician’s Assistant and and the Owner of New Mexico Medical was arrested on criminal sexual misconduct with a minor.

The outrage doesn't just stem from the allegations that the pedophile raped a child, but that he's actually done it before and should have been registered as a child sex predator but the state medical board dropped the ball.

47-year-old James Marc Beverly is a pedophile, who is 2001 was convicted in Colorado of having sexually assaulted a minor child in the past. was arrested on criminal sexual misconduct with a minor.

In theory, Beverly would have expected to stay registered as a sex offender in New Mexico and been removed from any dangers to children by being allowed to work around them.

On August the 28th Albuquerque Police Department were dispatched to a residence on Spain Road where a twelve-year-old child told officers that Beverly had been abusing her sexually since March.

Since the child claimed the repeated molestations occurred at both her own mother's house and at Beverly's residence, Albuquerque Police then transferred the case to the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims Unit because it was their jurisdiction.

The child was then given a forensic examination which showed that she indeed was raped, and Detectives from the Bernalillo Sheriff's Office than when to the Family Practice of Beverly's in Cedar Crest to make the arrest.

As it turns out though, not only did the New Mexico Medical Board allow Beverly to become a licensed Physician's Assistant (PA), but just a few weeks ago celebrated the grand opening of New Mexico Medical’s new Urgent Care facility in Edgewood.

Edgewood Mayor John Bassett, Councilors Rita Loy Simmons and Sherry Abraham, Edgewood Chamber of Commerce board members Barb Ormand, Julie Bassett, Tony Jaramillo and several New Mexico Medical staff members including Medical Director Dr. Effie Medford were all in attendance for <a href="">the grand opening of the new facility in a massive celebration</a> which will now haunt the city as a public relations nightmare.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

During the ceremony for the grand opening on September 1st of 2017, James Marc Beverly, PhD, PA-C, IFMGA and owner of New Mexico Medical said, “All of this will be a first for the East Mountains, and we hope it will save people from having to go to the emergency room in Albuquerque.”

Now it turns out that the man just receiving praise at the beginning of the month is actually a monstrous pedophile one the cloak has been removed hiding his true nature.

BCSO spokeswoman Deputy Felicia Maggard said that Beverly was booked into Metropolitan Detention Center that evening,

A motion for preventative detention, filed by prosecutors in Metropolitan Courts then found that Beverly is also convicted sex offender in the state of Utah.

The motion says that in his job, Beverly treats “children of the same age as the victim.”

According to the motion, Beverly was convicted in Utah when he tried to have sex with a 13-year child. The motion does not state when that conviction occurred.

“His history of a conviction in Utah coupled with his new crimes this year make him a flight risk,” the document says. After the new findings, Beverly is in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center on a no-bond hold.

This appears to be a very wealthy pedophile, who owns several children's medical centers across the country, who has on multiple occasions raped children.

BCSO is asking the public if anyone has any information regarding any other potential victims to contact detectives at 505-263-4918.


—<i>[email protected]</i>

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8 Comment/s
E Carlson No. 8242 2017-09-17 : 19:33

This article has multiple inaccuracies which can impact a local health clinic. It is important to be present information accurately. Marc Beverly may have been in charge of the clinic but doesnt own it. It is a family practice serving all ages not just children. There are many doctors who work there and should not have there practice impacted my mr. Beverly's behavior. Whoever wrote this article should b more sensitive to the fact many people in our community is impacted by this. Presenting factial information on a professional mannet would be appreciated.

Joe Salazar No. 8404 2017-09-21 : 02:05

I agree, it is unfortunate when people are misinformed, their personal agenda takes over and truth becomes their fantasy.

Nancy No. 8520 2017-09-23 : 04:37

James Marc Beverly does own this practice.

Bob No. 8213 2018-07-20 : 04:17

He just had his license to practice medicine in New Mexico permanently revoked by the New Mexico medical board. So he’s not a doctor anymore.

Robert No. 95050 2020-03-17 : 19:31

Who writes this stuff? So many inaccuracies and half truths. And whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The real crime was that lives were allowed to be destroyed with an incomplete investigation and knee jerk reaction.

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tim d No. 95970 2022-03-04 : 20:40

where is he now

James Marc Beverly No. 98284 2023-08-11 : 05:29

False allegations, a false narrative, and full on illegal slander. I’ve got loads of facts to back it up, but that’s not what the media wants to print, it doesn’t fit their agenda. The police didn’t do a proper investigation, they don’t care. Check my criminal background for real.

Tim ~ I’m free, have all my rights, and I’m not running from anything or anyone. If you want to get in touch with me it’s not hard to find me.
Perhaps you all should be asking better questions like:
Who wrote this garbage? Why are they hiding their real name?
The media needs controversy to make a story and they don’t care about the damage it causes. So what’s the purpose of this post?
Neither those with the false allegations nor the media will be held accountable, just like the days of the witch trials.

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