By: Steve Dellar | 07-27-2018 | News
Photo credit: @garethHallster.png

Pastor Andrew Brunson – Turkish President Erdogan Wants Nemesis Gülen Extradited In Return

Turkey has seen better days. With its economy and its currency in the doldrums and its tourism sector more dead than alive, Turkish President Erdogan thought it a good idea to appoint his son-in-law as the new finance minister. The international markets did not agree and quickly sent the lira further down.

And thus, President Recep Tayip Erdogan resorts to his favourite game of playing the victim. According to him, this is all due to the failed coup of 2016 still, and foreigners are to blame. One of those he selected as the ultimate culprit is Pastor Andrew Brunson.

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Given his deteriorating health, the US pastor arrested on terror charges for which the Turkish foreign ministry claims it has handed over all ‘necessary information’ to its US counterpart, was moved from prison to house arrest this week.

Meanwhile, the political stakes over this case were raised ever further. On Wednesday, Secretary of State Mr Mike Pompeo has claimed his department had studied the document sent by the Turks and concluded there was “no credible evidence against Mr Brunson."

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Still no word from Istanbul in return. President Erdogan decided to wait, knowing full well he can stop the ‘independent’ Turkish judiciary at all times given his newfound powers given to him by his AKP party since last June’s election.

This was until yesterday, when VP Mike Pence sent out a number of strongly worded tweets, saying clearly that Turkey should act immediately or "be prepared to face the consequences."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To President Erdogan and the Turkish government, I have a message, on behalf of the President of the United States of America. Release Pastor Andrew Brunson NOW or be prepared to face the consequences. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#IRFMinisterial</a></p>&mdash; Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) <a href="">July 26, 2018</a></blockquote>

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By then still no word from President Erdogan, but the Turkish press was getting rattled and shouted that is was being treated unfairly by the US.

Then last night, POTUS himself said in a very clear manner: “The United States will impose large sanctions on Turkey for their long time detainment of Pastor Andrew Brunson, a great Christian, family man and wonderful human being. He is suffering greatly. This innocent man of faith should be released immediately!”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The United States will impose large sanctions on Turkey for their long time detainment of Pastor Andrew Brunson, a great Christian, family man and wonderful human being. He is suffering greatly. This innocent man of faith should be released immediately!</p>&mdash; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 26, 2018</a></blockquote>

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This time, Turkey did react via a backdoor channel. Although officially there is still no word, it is now understood that Turkish President Erdogan is aiming for the ultimate prize in return for Pastor Andrew Brunson’s release: a US extradition of his arch nemesis and the man he blames for the failed military coup against him, Mr Fethullah Gülen, the US based exiled Turkish Muslim cleric.

The world press is watching how these two NATO allies will work out this issue.


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3 Comment/s
Rob No. 32513 2018-07-27 : 12:48

I think it would be great to get Gulen out of here but kidnapping a US citizen to use as a bargaining chip can't be rewarded.

Anonymous No. 32519 2018-07-27 : 15:14

Don't do an Obama, last time we got an AWOL traitor in return for a dozen terrorist scum who went back to the Taliban and ISIS.

Anonymous No. 32503 2018-07-27 : 16:35

WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How the Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen’s Terrorist Network

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