By: Major Burdock | 03-11-2021 | 2020, Studio
Photo credit: Ryan Fletcher |

Biden Pushes G's with Maternity Flight Suits

This is not a joke. Predator Biden announced military focus on "maternity flight suits." He will certainly go down in history for pushing the limits of anyone sane left on earth.

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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 95461 2021-03-11 : 19:02

When you have to literally beg readers to "please send you free money", perhaps it's time you go get a job at McDonald's?

Anonymous No. 95462 2021-03-11 : 19:03

Jim can't even afford to buy a matching suit and tie....

He wears rumply old mismatched Goodwill thrift bin clothing.

Anonymous No. 95514 2021-04-06 : 22:48

Horrible article and pathetic

GreenMistle No. 96089 2022-04-22 : 13:16

Seems unbelievable. So I believe maternity flight suits are to experiment on pregnant women. And/or misappropriation of funds.

gvDIgrDT No. 99605 2025-01-06 : 00:47


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