By: Major Burdock | 07-30-2024 | Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: Dayve Stewert | X

New Video Emerges from Man Detained by Secret Service

Bizarre new video has emerged from a man who filmed aftermath directly behind the AGR building right after the assassination attempt. There is also audio from the next night of Pennsylvania State Police questioning him about a second shooter after finding him at a gas station. Conversation mentions an older guy with a handgun and a red pick up trying to remove him and others away from the area. There is also mention of an overheard radio call regarding blood being found in the bathroom of the AGR building and a second shooter being on the loose.

Portion of transcript:


Okay so what was it that you overheard on the radio?

that there was uh shooter dead on the roof and then they were clearing the building and they found blood in the bathroom and they said su... second suspect at large or something like that or whatever I don't know but blood was found in the bathroom remember that for sure cuz that's what had us freaked out because that's what the cops are telling us like hey the second shooter still.

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