By: Lexy | 08-07-2018 | Body Count
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Clinton Body Count Series: #9. The Boys On The Tracks

This Series details the many “suicides” surrounding the “Clinton Crime Family”.

These cases are either quickly closed or still under investigation.

The ninth case I selected to write about is, “the boys on the tracks.” Kevin Ives and Don Henry.

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #1. How FBI Agent David Raynor Stabbed And Then Shot Himself </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #2. Who Killed Seth Rich? </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #3. John F Kennedy Jr. dared to run for the same Senate seat as Hillary! </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #4. Shawn Lucas Who Filed Fraud Case Against DNC and Hillary Found Dead! </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #5. Woman Set to Testify Against Clintons Blown Up in Home Explosion </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #6. Anthony Bourdain - Suicide or Murder? </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #7. Carlos Ghigliotti - The Man Who Knew Too Much - Waco Siege </a>

Related Coverage: <a href=""> Clinton Body Count Series: #8. The Murder of Vince Foster </a>

Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection:

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Obstruction of Justice {Part 1 of 2} The Clinton Machine:

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Obstruction of Justice {Part 2 of 2} The Clinton Machine:

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Obstruction of Justice Epilogue:

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The Investigation:

On August 23, 1987, at 4:25 a.m. on, a train engineer reported running over two teens. The Engineer told authorities the boys were motionless and lying on their backs; their bodies covered by a tarp from the waist down.

Investigators later discovered a rifle and flashlight nearby.

It is believed that Kevin Ives and Don Henry were using those items to "headlight" for deer. It is an illegal form of hunting where you temporarily blind the animal before shooting it.

How did they end up on the tracks? Investigators don't have an answer.

The state medical examiner ruled it a suicide. He claimed the boys smoked pot, passed out on the tracks, and were then run over by the speeding train.

I guess they laid the tarp over their legs before they passed out?

A later autopsy determined homicide. An Atlanta-based pathologist found that the boys were knocked unconscious or killed before their bodies were dumped on the tracks. A grand jury concluded the deaths to be the result of homicide.

Over the years, there were theories that the boys walked up on a drug drop and were killed. Rumors have circulated as to who might have been there and been responsible.

In March of 1987, Billy Jack Haynes, (whose real name is William Albert Haynes), wrestled in front of 93,000 fans at the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan during Wrestlemania III.

In that same year, teenagers Kevin Ives and Don Henry were brutally killed in Alexander, Arkansas.

Eventually, the case ran cold.

Today, 31 years later, Haynes claims he witnessed their deaths.

The unsolved crime has been labeled "Boys on the Tracks."

It has been three decades and no one has ever been arrested.

Victim Kevin Ives' mother is holding onto Haynes' claim as the key to solving who killed her 17-year-old son and 16-year-old Don Henry.

Haynes says he sobered up a few years ago and reached out to Larry and Linda Ives after years of guilt.

They reached out to the private investigator Keith Rounsavall and Haynes gave his side of the story in a YouTube video designed to raise money for Rounsavall's investigation.

"I come with no hidden voice. I come to you straight face-to-face because this is a reality, man," remarked Haynes in the video. "Don't hide nothing!"

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In his taped confession, he claims that while performing in the '80s for the World Wrestling Federation (now known as WWE) as a 6'3", 280-pound wrestler, he also transported and trafficked cocaine through the United States.

"I was also an enforcer who provided muscle to other parts of the criminal element to ensure that their illegal business dealings were collected upon," added Haynes. "In August of 1987, I was contacted by an Arkansas criminal politician and was asked if I would provide muscle at an Arkansas drug (transaction)."

In the video, Haynes refers to a male "criminal politician" multiple times, but never names him by name. Haynes says the politician was suspicious that cash from drug money drops was being stolen. ( The investigator is holding the full video that includes the names - Clinton is one of them).

"While conducting security for the drug money drop, I witnessed the murders of two young boys: Kevin Ives and Don Henry. They were murdered by other individuals who were working for the same criminal politician. Their bodies were placed on the railroad tracks to be mutilated by a passing train," Haynes alleges.

The retired wrestler, now 64, says he reached out to Linda Ives in 2016 to explain his account of what happened and he handed over names of everyone who was at the scene.

"I'm standing here putting my life on the line, telling you that I could very well be killed," added Haynes. "They have to be taken down."

A Mother's Quest for Justice:

When cases turn cold, investigations quietly vanish, Detectives retire. Case files are closed. Linda Ives will not let that happen.

She has collected every piece of evidence she can get her hands on. She has conducted countless interviews. She remains committed to keeping her son's story alive until justice is served.

Ives filed a lawsuit, in 2016, hoping to get unredacted documents from three Arkansas law enforcement agencies and eight federal agencies.

The suit claims insufficient response to FOI requests. Ives alleges a coverup of the story behind the death of her son, a theory supported by Haynes' claim that a "criminal politician" was involved.

A judge tossed out most of Ives' lawsuit. However, he did order the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security to hand over all documents related to the case for his review, according to Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. That review continues.

After three decades with few answers, you can understand why Ives was hopeful when she received a call from Billy Jack Haynes.

"We're very excited about the information that he has," said Ives in a video posted by her private investigator.

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You may have heard of the man who claimed to be at the tracks the morning of August 23, 1987.

Many people remember Billy Jack Haynes as the WWF superstar who battled wrestling titans like "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Harley Race in the mid-1980s.

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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=""> Kark </a></span

If you search Billy Jack Haynes' name on YouTube you will find a number of interviews riddled with far-fetched claims. Haynes said he considered killing WWE promoter Vince McMahon, believed McMahon fathered the child of a now-deceased wrestler and claimed Steve Austin is ultimately responsible for the death of wrestling legend "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.

It is worth mentioning that Haynes has discussed playing a role in drug trafficking in interviews dating back to the early 2000s.

Haynes filed a federal lawsuit in 2014 against WWE alleging "egregious mistreatment of its wrestlers for its own benefit." In the suit, he claimed he suffered at least 15 concussions and that his three years working in WWE resulted in depression and symptoms of dementia. The suit was dismissed after two years.

Ives still believes Haynes account of the deaths because he wouldn't have anything to gain from coming forward about the 1987 murders.

"We're in the process of corroborating his information," added Ives. "We feel very hopeful and excited."

“The local police suspiciously rushed to a solution in the case; first, they claimed that the green tarp covering their bodies did not exist, then they judged (based on a largely discredited medical examiner’s report) that the boys had passed out on the tracks after smoking large quantities of marijuana. Their families are convinced that they were murdered and that there was a police cover-up, possibly of a CIA operation. They were positioned in such a way that it was impossible for someone under the influence of marijuana to end on.”

“A few months after the deaths, the boys’ parents held a press conference, and the case was reopened. A grand jury over-ruled the ruling of accidental death and changed their deaths to probable homicide. A new medical examiner report said that they had only smoked a small amount of marijuana prior to their deaths, making it unlikely that drugs caused them to be unconscious on the tracks. Prosecutor Richard Garrett found that a similar case occurred in Hodgen, Oklahoma, in which two young men were found lying on railroad tracks and ran over in 1984, positioned almost identically to the boys. However, police have found no suspects in their deaths.”

The Bill and Hillary Clinton Complete Body Count (Full Documentary)

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Related Sources:;

<b>By: Lexy </b>

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12 Comment/s
steven No. 33285 2018-08-07 : 00:53

I lived and worked in the area, new one of the police officers involved, they have a blood trail. including state patrol officer that worked security for slick willie when he forced himself on paula

Jo No. 33286 2018-08-07 : 01:15

I’ve never heard this story before. It sounds like murder to me. I’m sure the Clintons were involved. I put nothing past those evil lying Clintons.

Matthew No. 33287 2018-08-07 : 01:17

Does the corruption ever end? How do they sleep at night? No normal person could. It’s not coincidence that the Clinton name keeps popping up around all these deaths.

Cody No. 33288 2018-08-07 : 01:18

Another great article Lexy.

Bruce No. 33289 2018-08-07 : 01:35

Another great article. Bill and Hillary Clinton are thugs. They need to be in jail. Thanks Lexy

DA No. 33292 2018-08-07 : 01:56

Wow… A whole lot of very suspicious deaths connected to those Clinton's. God help them if this is all true.

No doubt in my mind that they are killing ppl

Anonymous No. 33294 2018-08-07 : 02:18

Thanks Lexy.

This shit has to be brought to justice! People that are handed power by WE the people need to get a harsher sentence than normies like us. And like they say the coverup is usually worse than the original crime. These basterds could have just chased the kids away and all would have been fine and they could have probably continued to abuse their authority.

SandyLee No. 33300 2018-08-07 : 06:52

The lights on a locomotive are extremely bright. If the train employees say there was a tarp on the bodies, believe it.

tab No. 33293 2018-09-28 : 20:30

hopefully after Muller is fired the FBI will start investigating The Clintons.

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