How about a follow up article on meaningful ways to help whistleblowers/truth speakers?
E, you are the man! Keep exposing the light on all darkness.
God is on our side!
It's scary to see how whistleblowers are treated. It means people will be too scared to come forward and the atrocities will continue unchallenged. Praying for whistleblowers everywhere and want to thank them for their courage. We appreciate you more than words can say.
Excellent article on the plight of whistleblowers in this country. This is so wrong. These brave souls should be protected not hung out to dry. I pray for the destruction and end of this evil power structure
In the Mighty Name of Jesus
Let Justice Rain down on the Wicked
Thank you, E. What can and should be citizens doing?
Earned my Dital Medal of Honor by being banded by Facebook and Twitter for sharing the truth. Speak up while you still have a voice! Tks, E
Earned my Dital Medal of Honor by being banded by Facebook and Twitter for sharing the truth. Speak up while you still have a voice! Tks, E
Keep blowing the whistle! Especially with the corrupt occupation of the WH. We fear his loyalty to cc’d!
Some of us choose truth over lies. We are probably not the loudest voices you will hear. Most do not listen when I tell them a truth they do not want to hear. I really hope that's changing. Good luck.
I had no idea of the danger you have been in while working tirelessly to right the wrongs of the deceitful plans and actions of our own government. Yet you have taken the time to open our eyes and with patience and humility, encouraged us to learn more and be aware of what is really going on. You may not have worn a uniform, but your service to our country is so appreciated E! Please stay safe. You are in our prayers.
E, people of your nature are few to find,but I st of ill believe in the intrinsic goodness in the general folks. God bless you and protect you. Thank you for all you do for us while living this nightmare you have described!
Thank you so much, E, for speaking out for these courageous men and women.
God bless you!
It is imperative we hear this message.
It is also just as imperative we carry this message, until it reaches a foundational understanding to forward truth effectively, collectively & respectively.
"we must band together as one people;" when a whistle blows as we would when we hear a battle cry.
Such dark reality & possible future is hard to hear or imagine. It will take each of us to join with God to shine the light in this very dark world. Our friend E is going to show us how we can do this on the app Telegram. Please join us & be another light for the world & we WILL free many, including ourselves! ❤
Dark to light.
Patriots unite.
We will win, together.
God bless
This cuts to the core, nightmare well written. I was blind to any of this. People are being stirred-even in dreams, children are even speaking Gods word. Some time ago God gave me “with eyes open, open your eyes” these words. I had no idea what to do with these words, I was restlessness. I didn’t know about any of these things. I wasn’t on social media to any great capacity. I didn’t know what to do so I prayed...I did the only thing I knew to do because I just felt it needed to be said, somewhere. So I created a meme “ with eyes open” and uploaded it just to remind ppl that God loves them, and stay close to Him. The words were for me, and others yes, but I was the one that needed to open my eyes at that moment in time . I say all of this because as we keep speaking, and while we speak, The Holy Spirit is moving people- people just like me . Thank you for writing this, thank you for your insight & knowledge. Thank you for being a warrior and a watchman for humanity. It’s unfathomable, all
of it and the life- risks you and others take. You are very important to YHWH-, He chose you, each of you. Thank you for accepting the call. We pray for your protection- not just with our words but with Scripture which is alive- so it slices any evil. And we will not stop speaking truth. Jeremiah 29:11
E we love you and we are gratfull for your „work“ God bless you
We need truth tellers now more than ever. The very whistleblowers we should be protecting are being persecuted. Our very press, that should be helping to keep our government honest, are lapdogs of the cabals. This means whistleblowers, at great personal peril, need to come forward. These criminals need to be exposed and stopped. What do we do when the system itself is so corrupted that it is completely untrustworthy? The People need to respond with the power that we have. Use the Convention of States. Force State legislatures to enact laws that protect our elections. Stop doing ANY business with companies that support curtailing our freedoms. Primary all that have shown themselves to be sympathetic to anti-American agendas. Educate yourself and challenge their narrative whenever and where ever you can. There is still much we can do and no room for complacency. We have to do it. What good will it do to have Patriots risk life and limb to bring us this information if we don't?
President Trump would have dearly loved to have been able to pardon Assange.
But unfortunately he was 'Held To Ransom' in that particular the Republican party!
It is mind blowing to me how whistle blowers are treated so badly. I mean these people are so courageous standing up for truth and justice, while also knowing there bravery of speaking up puts their lives in serious danger. More needs to be done to protect them.
Thank you for sharing these truths. America needs to hear this and wake up!
Excellent article written by someone I consider to be a good friEnd :)
God Bless you, i'll keep you in my prayers!
Excellent Article!
The deeper we live in a lie the harder it gets to accept the Truth. If you ever need a place to stay in Canada feel free to ask.
E, you have opened my eyes and I can never go back. I think that there are many of us that would love to stand #ShouldertoShoulder with you and help out! Please let us know what actions we can take! We are behind you all the way!
For now, let’s share this article as much as we can while we are still are able. The more eyes that see it the better...on every platform. Media spin (and as you point out, crafted defamation) on the stories of whistleblowers keeps the public in the dark and pushes the desperately needed truth farther away. Would a unified place to share this information when people want to seek out the truth be helpful? It needs to be an easily accessible, well-know, and secure site. I know there have been many attempts at this over time and that it is sadly a dangerous pursuit. We could simultaneously start multiple hubs for whistleblowers to share their info, and then it would be harder to shut down many sites at in numbers. And for the whistleblower himself, we should create a citizen agency that provides security, legal protection and the like to protect those with the courage to speak out (much like the organizations gun owners subscribe to to provide legal support in the event they had to use their firearm in self-defense). We must fight for freedom of speech. And we must have better protection for those with the courage to risk their livelihood for the benefit of so many.
Roses are red, the sky is blue,
Reedeming the heart is up to you, near or far circumstances & consequences with good deeds will live by faith
Peace Love & honor God 💒🕊️
This is so intense I just didn’t know how deep n corrupt our so called goverment is
I will just keep praying for all that uncover n share the truth
Only God can stop this I will keep praying especially for our children so heartbreaking
Didn't read. Now do an article on Ericsson and the Wallenberg family.
An excellent article! There are so many here who believe that what you and other whistleblowers have done is honorable. You all are TRUE BRAVE Patriots. We look to people like you who are righteous and stand for the truth. Bless you .. May God watch over you all! Thank you for what do and for sharing your story with us. Stay safe.
E, you're a boring, irrelevant, overcompensating, lackluster, easily overlooked and quickly forgotten piece of worthless trailer trash.
Just a note that Wikileaks on FB posted the following video from DW, and many people (including myself ) are not amused. A lot of perplexed comments. Don't know if it was a mistake by one of their editors, but if not a mistake, it isn't a good sign.
LOL @ you STUPID fucking idiots actually thinking Edward Snowden wrote this lame 'article'...
You mouthbreathing MAGA 'Qfaggots' are the stupidest, most gullible people I've ever seen in my life...
I'm blowing the whistle on this one... This amateurish piece of journalistic garbage was not written by Edward Snowden... It was written by BURDOCK, the five foot tall unaccomplished closeted homosexual who works for Jim Watkins at The Goldwater.
Burdock is NOT a 'whistleblower' (unless you call Philip's tiny penis a 'whistle') a and has never had any involvement with the military or intelligence communities.
Burdock can't even be considered an actual 'journalist'... (This shitty 'article' contains misspelled words and other typographical errors)
Burdock is ROLE-PLAYING, trying to emulate the ridiculous embarrassing 'Q' format, using the unoriginal copycat moniker 'E', trying to appeal to mouth breathing Christian uneducated ill-informed Qanon losers.
It's funny he'd mention 'child pronography', because Jim Watkins is a known pedophile sex offender, who hired Burdock because he is also a pedophile... (Jim is bisexual, but usually wants sex with underage females, whereas Burdock is 100% homosexual, and always prefers sex with under-aged males)
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Maybe stop blocking fellow patriots who post a song of encouragement (maybe you dont like the person who originally posted the song, but the encouragement to us digital doldiers is/was important), your fine article is well written, but we all want free speech AND encouragement - you didnt have to block me. Fo,t bother defending never gave me that option.
Maybe stop blocking fellow patriots who post a song of encouragement (maybe you dont like the person who originally posted the song, but the encouragement to us digital doldiers is/was important), your fine article is well written, but we all want free speech AND encouragement - you didnt have to block me. Dont bother defending never gave me that option.
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Thank you friend for telling the story accurately and with passion.