By: Philip | 08-31-2022 | Science, Opinion
Photo credit: Dreamstime

Ralph Baric: Excess Deaths and Weaponizing Cardiotoxic Coronaviruses

We were told to just do as we were told. Just take the vaccine. Besides, it was safe, tested and suitable even for pregnant and nursing women (ok, so maybe not fully tested they admit but somehow definitely still safe). We were told that if we took the vaccine we could not get covid. That was until, it turned out that was not the case. Then we were told that the vaccines would keep us from being hospitalized but the massive numbers of vaxxed and boosted people in hospitals, the numbers of excess deaths skyrocketing in 2022 in highly vaccinated nations like Israel and numbers up 10% in the UK beg the question: should we have listened to them at all?

It's especially ironic when you consider people like Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Tony Fauci and others who were involved in funding the gain of function research that was going on on coronaviruses at labs like the one next to the wet market where we were eventually told the coronavirus pandemic began. For the first year, we were told that anyone who brought up the possibility that covid-19 was born in a lab was a dangerous conspiracy theorist. That was until earlier this year when more and more evidence, leaked emails and other information showed that the very people who assured us it couldn't be lab-made were the very ones manipulating coronaviruses to make them more virulent.

Meanwhile, "sudden adult death syndrome" and an uptick in cardiac and circulatory deaths are being attributed to heart conditions and/or diabetes. What's interesting there is the fact that Ralph Baric, was doing research on weaponizing coronaviruses by making them attack the heart through a spike protein among other ways. Baric was yet another one of the scientists involved in the type of Gain of Function research Fauci assured us was not going on until it was admitted that was a lie. In fact, Baric was one of the people who was asked by Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance to keep the fact that the government funded Gain of Function research was not going on and if it was certainly had nothing to do with the sudden appearance of covid-19.

If you're wondering, by the way, Fauci is stepping down as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). He will however continue to make at least $350,000 per year off the tax payer's dime. Similar to the bankers who ruined the economy in 2008, the US government can't seem to help itself. When someone or some group is responsible for ruining the economy they tend to get rewarded.

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