By: Major Burdock | AI | 08-08-2024 | Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: The Goldwater | AI

Why Tim Walz Is a Terrible Decision for Kamala Harris

Recent developments in US political news have sparked intense debate about potential running mates for Vice President Kamala Harris. Tim Walz, the Governor of Minnesota, has emerged as a controversial figure in these discussions. His name has gained attention in political circles, prompting a closer examination of his record and suitability for such a high-profile role.

First, why not Shapiro who has a 61% approval rating in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania?

Second, Walz's military record has come into serious question.

While His Unit Deployed to Iraq, a Chicken Hawk Walz-ed Away to Safety - Hot Air

Third, here are a few additional reasons why Tim Walz might be an unsuitable choice for Kamala Harris.

Walz's Controversial Handling of 2020 Protests

The 2020 protests following George Floyd's murder presented a significant challenge for Governor Tim Walz, testing his leadership and decision-making abilities. His response to the unrest has become a contentious issue in US political news, with critics and supporters offering divergent views on his actions.

Delayed National Guard Deployment

As peaceful protests turned violent, Walz faced mounting pressure to deploy the National Guard. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey requested assistance, stating that local police couldn't handle the situation alone. However, Walz waited an additional day before signing the executive order to send in troops [1]. This delay had severe consequences, as a five-mile stretch of Minneapolis and St. Paul suffered extensive damage, including the burning of a police precinct and hundreds of businesses [1].

The governor's hesitation stemmed from a desire to avoid escalating tensions. Kevin Reese, a community organizer involved in the protests, suggested that Walz "read the room" and didn't want to bring more harm to an already tense situation [1]. However, this cautious approach resulted in significant property damage, with over 1,500 buildings burned, looted, or damaged, causing $500 million in losses [2].

Criticism from Both Parties

Walz's handling of the situation drew criticism from across the political spectrum. Republican State Senator Warren Limmer accused the governor of freezing "under pressure, under a calamity, as people's properties were being burned down" [1]. Then-state Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka called it "a failure of leadership" [3].

Democrats also expressed concerns. Mayor Frey claimed that Walz hesitated to take leadership after requests for help. The Star Tribune's examination of timestamped communications supported the city officials' account, showing repeated requests for assistance that didn't receive prompt responses [3].

Long-term Impact on Minneapolis

The aftermath of the protests and Walz's response has had lasting effects on Minneapolis. The city's reputation suffered, and the incident became a focal point in political debates. However, some argue that the impact has been less severe than initially feared. A ballot measure to replace the police department with a public health-focused Department of Public Safety was defeated, suggesting that the unrest of 2020 hasn't had staying power in public opinion [4].

Despite the controversy, Walz won reelection in 2022 by a nearly 8-point margin, indicating that his handling of the protests didn't significantly damage his political standing [4]. Nevertheless, the events of 2020 continue to be a point of contention in US political news, particularly as Walz's name is mentioned in discussions about potential running mates for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Progressive Policies at Odds with Moderate Voters

Governor Tim Walz's progressive policies have become a point of contention in US political news, potentially alienating moderate voters. His tenure has seen a significant shift towards liberal legislation, raising concerns about his compatibility with a broader electorate.

Abortion Rights Expansion

Walz has established himself as a staunch ally of the abortion rights movement. He enacted a law that enshrined "reproductive freedom" into Minnesota's constitution, making abortion legal at any point during pregnancy [5]. Under his leadership, the state repealed restrictions such as the 24-hour waiting period for people seeking abortions and passed legislation to protect Minnesota health providers and patients from abortion-related prosecution in other states [5]. This stance has drawn praise from abortion rights supporters but criticism from opponents, with Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA Pro-Life America, calling the Harris-Walz combination "the most pro-abortion presidential ticket America has ever seen" [5].

Recreational Marijuana Legalization

In a move that has sparked debate, Walz signed legislation legalizing recreational marijuana in Minnesota [6]. The bill includes provisions to expunge the criminal records of tens of thousands of people previously charged with marijuana misdemeanors and establishes a state agency to phase out the underground market [7]. Critics, like Republican Senator Carla Nelson, argue that the bill creates an onerous bureaucracy and may normalize drug use among young people struggling with mental health issues [7].

Universal School Meals Program

Walz has shown support for progressive education policies, signing into law a program that provides free school meals to all children regardless of income [8]. This move has been celebrated by some as a step towards ensuring equal access to nutrition for students, but it has also raised questions about fiscal responsibility and the role of government in providing such services.

These progressive policies, while popular among Walz's base, have led to concerns about his appeal to moderate voters. Amy Carnevale, chair of the Massachusetts GOP, stated that Walz's selection as Harris's running mate signals a "shift toward radical progressivism" and is "not just a departure from moderate principles but an endorsement of policies that have driven people and businesses out of Minnesota" [9]. This perception could pose challenges for the Harris-Walz ticket in attracting centrist voters who may be wary of what they perceive as an overly liberal agenda.

Questionable Leadership During COVID-19 Pandemic

Governor Tim Walz's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a subject of intense scrutiny and debate in US political news. His use of emergency powers and implementation of various measures to combat the virus have drawn both praise and criticism.

Use of Emergency Powers

Walz declared a peacetime emergency in March 2020, granting him extensive authority to respond to the pandemic [10]. This decision sparked controversy, with critics arguing that he overstepped his constitutional bounds. The Upper Midwest Law Center filed a lawsuit in 2020, alleging that Walz misinterpreted the Minnesota Emergency Management Act and illegally bypassed state lawmakers [11]. However, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled in July 2023 that Walz indeed had the authority to take such actions [11].

Business Shutdowns

In April 2020, Walz extended an emergency stay-at-home order lasting through mid-May, prompting then-President Trump to declare "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!" on social media [12]. This decision had significant economic implications, particularly for downtown retail and food businesses already struggling with COVID lockdown policies [12]. Walz acknowledged the unpopularity of his shutdown orders but maintained that his administration aimed to consider all unintended consequences, including health outcomes, social implications, and economic impacts [12].

Mask Mandate Controversy

The governor issued an indoor mask mandate for Minnesota in July 2020, which became a focal point of legal challenges [10]. The Minnesota Supreme Court heard arguments in February 2023 regarding the constitutionality of this mandate [13]. Critics argued that Walz's actions were an overreach, with some asserting that the Legislature could have adequately responded to the pandemic without such extensive executive action [13]. Despite these objections, both the Minnesota Court of Appeals and the state's Supreme Court ultimately sided with Walz, ruling that he acted within his peacetime emergency powers [12] [10].


Tim Walz's potential selection as Kamala Harris's running mate brings up some tricky issues. His handling of the 2020 protests, progressive policies, and leadership during COVID-19 have sparked debates. These factors have an impact on his appeal to moderate voters and raise questions about his suitability for a national ticket.

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