By: Ivy Knox | AI | 03-24-2025 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater | AI

Leftists Destroyed the Democrats — Rebuilding Will Be Painful and Slow

The Democratic Party is facing a political extinction event — and it’s not coming from Republicans or conservatives. It’s coming from within.

A new NBC News poll just confirmed what many suspected: the Democratic Party’s approval has cratered to a historic low, with just 27% of registered voters holding a favorable view. This isn’t just a bad poll — it’s the worst in over three decades of NBC tracking. And it speaks volumes about a party that has lost its identity.

While President Joe Biden clings to the idea that he can still rally support and “beat Trump,” the truth is more sobering. Americans aren’t just turning away from the Democratic platform — they’re running from it.

The Party of Progressives, or the Party of Power?

What once claimed to be the party of the working class has morphed into a top-down machine of elite ideology, performative progressivism, and authoritarian overreach. And it’s not just Republicans who are calling it out — former Democrats, moderates, and even independent analysts are acknowledging the deep fractures now splitting the party.

The lawsuits against Trump, the court-packing schemes, the constant redefining of the Constitution to suit a fringe agenda — all of it reveals a desperate grasp for control. Democrats once fought for the common man. Today, they increasingly seem like the party fighting the common man.

The Constitution Wasn’t the Enemy — Until Now

Historically, the Democratic Party supported civil rights, workers' protections, and anti-war movements. But those values have been drowned out by an obsession with centralized power. From abortion to education, from economic policy to social norms, today’s Democratic leadership demands uniformity across all states, cultures, and belief systems. In doing so, they’ve alienated millions of Americans — particularly in middle America, the South, and religious communities who feel mocked, ignored, or outright targeted.

It’s telling that even *The Hill*, no stranger to Democratic sympathies, recently warned of the party’s internal collapse. Rifts between House and Senate Democrats, between boomers and Zoomers, between the establishment and the activists, are tearing the party apart. What was once a “big tent” has become a battleground.

The Progressive Flame Consumes Its Own

From the failed "Progressive" movement of the early 20th century to FDR's overreach with the New Deal, progressivism has often left a trail of unintended consequences. Today’s progressive movement is no different. What started as a push for justice has transformed into moral authoritarianism and economic incoherence.

The obsession with fringe social issues, the disdain for dissenting religious or regional values, and the fixation on symbolic politics over practical solutions have created a feedback loop of extremism. Kamala Harris's infamous “wrong rally” quip and Bernie Sanders's increasingly bizarre public appearances underline how detached the party has become from average Americans.

Where Do Democrats Go From Here?

There may be no going back to the old Democratic Party. What comes next is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the party, as we’ve known it, is done.

The machine still exists, but the soul is gone. Rebuilding — if it happens at all — will take a generation. And it will require honesty the current leadership seems incapable of offering.

A new political movement may rise from the ashes. Perhaps a centrist coalition. Perhaps a modern populist party that blends social moderation with economic realism. But it won’t be led by the same people who led the Democrats into this disaster.

The Democratic Party was not destroyed by Trump. It was not destroyed by the GOP.
It was destroyed by its own left flank.

And now the long, painful road to political rebirth begins.

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