By: Savanna Smith | 03-14-2017 | News
Photo credit: Thomas Dutour | Dreamstime

Pence To Replace Trump, If Hillary Gets Her Way

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton and intel officers are planning to replace President Donald Trump with his Vice President, Mike Pence.

Assange said on Twitter that Hillary is quietly working for Pence to take over because the Vice President is more predictable. He added that Hillary thinks that by being predictable, it would be easier for her to defeat Pence.

Assange also said in another tweet that two intel officials who are close to Pence are also planning for Pence to replace Trump.

Assange said his secret sources did not say whether Pence agrees with the plan, or if he even knows about it.

These claims of Assange are said to be in reaction to Monday's report that Trump allowed the CIA to do drone strikes against terrorists even without the military.

During Obama's time, he only allowed the Pentagon to perform drone strikes against suspected terrorists. Trump changed that policy.

Assange criticized the change as he said the bullying of CIA has paid off for them.


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Anonymous No. 1802 2017-03-15 : 09:12

pence dont betray trump!

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