By: Administrator |
04-15-2021 | News
An Open Letter to Senator Heinrich from Jim Watkins
Senator Heinrich,
The brunt of blame for the assault on our Republic now falls directly on my shoulders.
I am a flawed man. Despite of my rough edges and eccentricities, I defend our God given American Rights as written in the Constitution.
What is the purpose of your personal attack on me? Who is behind you?
Many people in Washington DC have ulterior motives. You were a naive young man from Fallon, Nevada, then you made great political steps in The Great State of New Mexico. What is your motive for harming my family?
Having the majority of your constituentsā€™ hearts in mind should be your first priority. When I am in New Mexico it is as a tourist. Still, I care about New Mexico. It is one of my favorite states. It is big, beautiful and full of wonderful people. Being elected in New Mexico must be a real challenge.
Take heart. Speak truth. Remember that shaming the folks of New Mexico has consequences.
You are not a Representative now. You now represent the entire state as a Senator.
It is no longer your character only that is tarnished by your action. It is that of your entire state. I am embarrassed for them by your actions.
Your written and public apology would be a good start.
Ethnic racism is cruel. White lawmakers such as yourself should stop condescending to the rest of society. Your privilege is beyond that of any ordinary American, which is why I am shocked and outraged by your attacks on me and my family.
Your direct assault on the character of my family and myself in an earlier age would have been considered fighting words. You are diminished by this. You tarnish the office you have been elected to.
Senators are paragons of virtue, and the bedrock our States are built on. Attacking me, for doing what any normal American man would do, lowers your credibility. Are you controlled by the propaganda media? Were you taught that at E.C. Best?
Who are elected representatives of the people? Solely the press? With your engagement, Senator Heinrich, they are representatives of the extreme opposite of what our form of government stands for.
Please consider discussing your accusations directly with me, live on at 6am Pacific Tuesday the 20th.
Jim Watkins
I can be contacted at
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Jim Watkins, pedophile