By: Major James Burdock | 04-19-2017 | News
Photo credit: Georgesheldon |

Fox News Fires O'Reilly

Network executives at 21st Century Fox are preparing to announce Bill O’Reilly’s departure from the Fox News Channel.

For more than two decades, Bill O'Reilly has been a staple of political commentary for conservatives watching Fox News. O'Reilly's television ratings smashed cable news records year after year. It could be easily argued that he created a massive market for political commentary on cable news.

A recent wave of sexual harassment accusations proved to be too much for the network. The most recent claim from an anonymous black woman working in an unspecified department over ten years ago seems to have tipped the scales. The woman claims that O'Reilly would approach her while she was alone and "grunt like a wild boar." She further claims that Bill would refer to her as "Hot Chocolate," again, while there were no witnesses.

This follows the recent reports that the network has paid out tens of millions of dollars to O'Reilly's victims. President Trump stuck by O'Reilly's side, saying that he was saddened that the network settled and didn't fight it out in court.

The network is no stranger to charges of sexual harassment. Shortly before her departure, Megyn Kelly made claims that top executives, going all the way to the top, were sexually harassing her. Her claims were never substantiated. She is now at MSNBC.

The two big questions now are, will they allow Bill to say goodbye to his viewers and who will replace him. On the first, rumors are floating that the network is leaning towards not allowing O'Reilly to come back on the air. On the second, the network is apparently in chaos as to how to fill the slot and with whom.

A further complicating issue is how to deal with O'Reilly's recently signed $20M per year contract. Bill is reportedly being represented by attorneys who's clients include none other than Donald Trump.


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1 Comment/s
Alan J. Perrick No. 2403 2017-04-21 : 03:01

Good news, I hope they get rid of all of the rest of the papists—Vatican-Roman "Catholics"—on staff.


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