By: Major Burdock | 05-15-2021 | Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: The Goldwater

How Important is Honesty?

Burdock discusses honesty. Why are politicians and the media so terrified of the the truth? How does this suspension of disbelief sit with you and other honest, working Americans?

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Anonymous No. 95615 2021-06-09 : 17:57

Speaking of honesty :

Why won't burdock be honest about "Diana Printz" being "discovered" in a manila brothel while performing oral on Jim Watkins disgusting gaping rectum?

Why won't Burdock be honest about his homosexual relationship with Philip Fairbanks?

Why won't be honest about the child molestation accusations against him before he committed "flight to avoid prosecution" and left the states for the philippines?

Why won't be honest about Philip Fairbanks giving back rubs to Jim Watkins, and Burdock becoming insanely jealous, and Philip's eventual sexual relationship with Jim?

Why won't Burdock be honest about Jim's flamboyant homosexuality behind the scenes, and sexual scenarios being the true prerequisite for a job at the Goldwater?

Why won't Burdock be honest about he and Philip sleeping in the same bed in the tiny shoe box Manila apartment?

Why won't Burdock be honest about his diminutive stature, tiny little penis, complete lack of masculinity and social phobia which leads him to wear sunglasses at night time and hide behind children's Halloween camouflage face paint?

Why?.. I'll tell you why..

Because Burdock is a coward

Anonymous No. 95616 2021-06-09 : 17:59

Why won't Burdock be honest about his alleged "journalistic skills"?...

His embarrassing "articles and opinion pieces" are nothing more than one short poorly constructed paragraph, followed by begging for money?

Anonymous No. 95617 2021-06-09 : 18:04

Why won't just be honest and admit that he is actually Elmer Fudd in a witness protection program?

And why won't he be honest and admit he witnessed Jim Watkins testicles on his face?

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