By: Savannah Smith | 06-09-2018 | News
Photo credit: Amber Luke Instagram

Australia – Tired of “Boring” Look, Tattoo-Addict Woman Had Her Eyeballs Inked Blue

A young woman is so addicted to tattoos and other transformations that she spent a whopping $8,000 on body modifications including a split tongue and blue inkings on her eyeballs.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:Amber Luke Instagram </span>

23-year-old Amber Luke from Australia, called “Blue Eyes White Dragon” by her friends, has been obsessed with tattoos since she was 16. It first started with plain curiosity to know what the feeling was like to have tattoos. She got three inkings by the time she was 18.

She now counts an incredible 50 designs all over her body.

But one procedure almost cost Luke her eyesight after she got her eyeballs tattooed with blue ink. She says the 40-minute procedure was very painful but more dangerously, it left her unable to properly see for about three weeks.

Luke insists she is perfectly comfortable in her well-inked body. She says: “I have no regrets whatsoever. I’m absolutely in love with my image.”

The young Aussie says her previous “boring look” motivated her to go for tattoos and body transformations.

Luke also had her tongue split and had silicone inserted on her ears to make them look more “pointy.”

Despite her incredible tattoos and body transformation, Luke does not see herself stopping her obsession from here on. Next on her agenda is to sharpen her two fang teeth into “vampire teeth” and is getting another tattoo on her right leg.

Through-out her journey of bold transformations to her body, Luke says she is grateful that her family and friends have mostly remained supportive of her expensive and at times risky hobby.

Luke says: “I have plenty of people who try to bring me down because of the choices I’ve made to my body, but that’s just it; it’s my body.”

The young Aussie adds something she is thankful of: “I also have a lot of positivity surrounding my image. People are often fascinated rather discriminatory towards me.”

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Twitter: #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat! #Australia #Tattoos #BodyTransformations

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