By: Steve Dellar | 10-31-2017 | News

Merry Christmas: Liverpool To Ban Coca-Cola - Some SJW Has Their Panties in a Wad

Liverpool To Ban Coca-Cola Christmas Truck

After the Pepsi-truck was named as the ‘unofficial sponsor’ of the Antifa movement in Berkeley earlier this year, it is now the Coca-Cola truck that is in a spot of trouble.

Of course, as every year, the Coca-Cola truck drives around in the US just as in the UK during the winter months.

But a Liverpool politician feels that this Christmas period, it might be best if that truck stays where it is right now, meaning in a garage.

Liverpool's Liberal Democrat leader Richard Kemp said the city is "in the grip of an obesity epidemic" and feels that using a festive period to promote a product which is "grossly unhealthy", doesn’t seem like the best of idea for the month of December.

Mr Kemp has therefore written a letter to several of the managers of the Liverpool One shopping district in which he explained his opposition to the "cynical event"

"You are probably aware that Liverpool is in the grip of an obesity epidemic for children and adults. 30% of our 11-year-olds are obese. The biggest single cause of this is the consumption of fizzy drinks. That is why I am appalled that there is a rumor going round that you will welcome the Coca-Cola van to Liverpool. This cynical event has taken place for the past five years and is not designed to welcome Christmas but to increase the consumption of a product that is grossly unhealthy."

The Liverpool one shopping centre did confirm that the Coca-Cola truck was booked for the month of December but chose not to comment to the letter of Mr Kemp.

A spokesperson for Coca-Cola UK claims they have received a "positive response from many people in Liverpool" during visits in 2015 and 2016, before adding "people will have the opportunity to see the truck up close, have their photograph taken and enjoy a choice of a small, 150ml can of Coca-Cola Classic or one of our no sugar options, Diet Coke or Coca-Cola Zero Sugar."


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6 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 10787 2017-10-31 : 15:37

Coca Cola triggers our special snowflakes

Anonymous No. 10788 2017-10-31 : 15:38

Libs and Dems want to control everything from gun ownership to what people drink. Let 'em make the choice, and believe they know what they're doing. Controlling even the flow of drinks is just too much govt overreach, something pathetic libs and Dems are infamous for. Where has such overreach gotten the country during Obama wasted years?

Anonymous No. 10789 2017-10-31 : 15:40

Rather than obsessing over Coca cola, why dont Dems help fix the stupid Obamacare?

Anonymous No. 10792 2017-10-31 : 15:52

Dems wont help fix obamacare because to them its not broken. They dont care about us.

Anonymous No. 10809 2017-10-31 : 19:33

How is banning a truck going to solve an obesity problem? How about banning the buses. Make the people walk, then they will lose some weight.

Anonymous No. 10830 2017-11-01 : 01:09

The left is dragging itself to it's own death. It's vital that we keep the damage they'll try to cause on the way out minimal. The next few years will be ugly but we'll see better times soon.

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