By: Earnest Jones | 02-04-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

FBI Whistle Blower Reveals: Pizzagate Pedophile Ring Arrests Are Now Imminent

Reports from an FBI whistleblower have confirmed that 30 politicians and 40 other individuals are to be arrested in Washington D.C., Virginia, and New York City in connection with the Pizzagate pedophile ring. The FBI whistleblower claims that the agency has just finalized (3 pm 2/2/17) submitting paperwork to the Department of Justice in preparations for the arrests which will begin as soon as Jeff Session assumes his role as Attorney General. This comes after Mr. Sessions had been briefed on the investigation and all of the evidence 3 weeks ago.

The anonymous insider also reported that the information was finally submitted from the FBI to the DOJ. Mr. Sessions was briefed 3 weeks ago as to the investigation and as soon as he assumes his position, arrest warrants will be signed, and arrests will be made. Its without a doubt that the Democratic Party has been striving so hard to fight the Sessions vote because most of them are guilty of involvement in the pedophile ring.

The coming week will be a tough one for those who were involved in the sinister acts as you’ll start to see the arrests being made. More than 30 politicians, and over 40 other individuals throughout DC, VA , and also a handful in NYC.

This comes after the sex trafficking/child pedophilia ring arrests that were recently made in California. The FBI whistleblower declined to release names of those on the list to be arrested by the FBI. However, the insider revealed that the Democrat and US Senator, Chuck Ellis Schumer, was one of the high-profile names that will be arrested, as well as Senator Tim Kaine and the former Attorney General of Connecticut Richard Blumenthal.

The incoming Attorney General, Jeff Sessions should have his role next week after he survived his first test floor vote on Thursday. Nearly every Democrat in the chamber voted against Mr. Sessions due to the fact that they feared the policies he will pursue at the Justice Department, it believed that Sessions will bring charges against Hillary Clinton.

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8 Comment/s
Cindy Northup No. 1278 2017-02-06 : 01:44

Great article just hope it's really gonna happen

haha No. 1283 2017-02-06 : 06:05

Dylan Groene. 2 month long, 1 million dollar snuff film. What were these funds for, and who paid the thug to do it?

Steve Key No. 1308 2017-02-08 : 17:12

This needs to happen. The media helped conceal the Catholic Church scandal for decades. They have repeated history with the concealment of rampant pedophilia by our elected officials and political elites including those in the media. It's time to start protecting our children from people who believe our children are theirs to abuse.

Larry Schell No. 1317 2017-02-09 : 19:37

If this is actual facts about pedophile's in office then we need to bring them all to justice swiftly and harshly. They should all hang for treason against our people our children.

Big dummies No. 1359 2017-02-15 : 02:27

Hmmm, 2/14 still no politicians arrested. You people are so incredibly gullible. You need to stop being distracted by B.S. and get in touch with what is really going on. The Trump presidency is already a disaster.

sara No. 1412 2017-02-21 : 01:35

If the CIA runs it and the Democrat's are involved, why haven't more higher ups been arrested, business as usual.

Dennis Richardson No. 1576 2017-03-02 : 17:57

Will Donald Trump wait until his term in office is over before he acts? Is American law enforcement ever going to act until three quarters of Congress is prosecuted for treason, murder, conspiracy to murder, child trafficking, pedophilia, currency debasement, espionage, crimes against American citizens? Why do democrats act faster & more aggressively than republicans, republicans have the reins of law enforcement power?

Lorraine No. 1579 2017-03-03 : 00:48

We all know this is teue and horrific, j6st don't stop and you will get'em! Get those podesta brothers, god bless you ❤

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