A man was asked by his mother whether he still had the T-shirt that she got for him. Her son decided it was a good time to introduce his girlfriend so he sent a picture of her in the bed with the T-shirt in question on top of her. He just forgot to crop out the SM-ropes as well though.
At first glance the picture seems like a nice shot of his girlfriend lovingly cuddled up in the bed, with the t-shirt draped on top of her, but if you look closely in the background you immediately see something that’s not supposed to be there.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ok just realized I sent this to my mom with THE ROPES ATTACHED TO MY HEADBOARD….. <a href="https://t.co/qpCdMKawjx">https://t.co/qpCdMKawjx</a></p>— Maison Vallance (@WhiteKidCanJump) <a href="https://twitter.com/WhiteKidCanJump/status/932459643535798272?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 20, 2017</a></blockquote>
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But after he sent if via twitter to his mum with the caption that Meghan looked “too pretty” not to post, his friends started noticing that he had forgotten to crop an embarrassing detail out of the picture.
“I’m going to regret this as soon as I ask, but the ropes …?” one of his friends stated immediately.
Yes, in the background of the picture he sent to his mum, you can clearly see ropes with a pair of handcuffs openings on the sides, probably for some SM-sessions between the young gentleman and Meghan.
Young Mr. Maison Vallance posted a new tweet afterward, but by that time he had received nearly 60,000 re-tweets, crushing any hope the young couple had of hiding it from their friends and family.
And his mum?
“She gave me a funny look then laughed! She thought it was hilarious. My girlfriend was embarrassed at first but then embraced it.”