In a defense which stems back to childhood days of brothers and sisters when we used to say ‘yes, but she/he did it as well’, a UK Deputy Minister named Damian Green, gave evidence before a hearing committee today in the British Parliament that other computers also had porn on them.
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The full story, in fact, writes as a road to a never-ending pit of disaster for Mr Green.
About a month ago, in the midst of other UK politicians resigning over sexual assault allegations, the writer and critic Ms Kate Maltby reported that Mr Green had made sexual advances towards her in 2015 and 2016.
A few days later, British newspapers were reporting that police had found pornography on a computer seized from Green’s parliamentary office back in 2008.
Afterwards, Mr Neil Lewis, a former Scotland Yard detective, declared that he had “absolutely no doubt whatsoever”, after forensic analysis of the machine, that Green had accessed “thousands” of pornographic images. He even gave an exclusive interview on the BBC repeating the same claim.
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Since last week, the Tory government supporters have tried to change the question though, stating that Mr Green’s computer contents should have never been made public and claiming that the police are in fact conducting a vendetta against Mr Green, disclosing private information and politicizing law enforcement.
Of course, should Mr Green be forced to resign, it would weaken the position of embattled Prime Minister Theresa May even further.
She has already lost her two closest advisers after edging out a minority government in the last election, lost her defense secretary Mr Fallon after he had to admit to sexual assault allegations and is faced with public discontent over the alleged £50bn Brexit bill the UK will have to pay to Europe to get trade deal talks going.
Aaah, the Brits, stiff upper lip and carry on, right?