As part of their civic duty, undercover Michigan police offers would apparently have sex with prostitutes, that has now been banned by a new legislation officially outlawing police having sex with prostitutes on duty. The legislation barred the police from having sex with prostitutes by removing an exemption that previously blocked their prosecution.
Now, the Michigan law enforcement community will be held to the same standards as civilians. Michigan's governor Rick Snyder said Wednesday, "Every day the brave men and women in Michigan's law enforcement community work tirelessly to help ensure the safety and wellbeing of all Michiganders. These bills help ensure the ongoing integrity and accountability of our law enforcement system by clarifying what actions officers are exempt from while performing their official duties."
The governor signed two bills, House Bill 4355 and Senate Bill 275, which undo a provision that prevented officers from being prosecuted for prostitution offenses as long as they were on duty at the time. Police agencies defended themselves by saying they do not use the law allowing undercover officers to have sex during an investigation.
Michigan police say they have also never trained officers to have sex with prostitutes on duty either, one has to wonder why the law exemption exists in the first place if they never used it at all. It seems after going back to 2003, at least one situation came up where
a Kalamazoo officer engaged in oral sex with a prostitute during an "investigation."
Glenn continued, "Michigan will no longer have the stigma of being the last state in the country that unintentionally exempts police officers who have sex with prostitutes during an investigation from prosecution. This common-sense legislation has received significant bipartisan support because it protects our law enforcement and victims of sex-based crimes."
The bills are now Public Acts numbers 194 and 195.
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Why is sex between consenting adults legal but as soon as money exchanges hands your a criminal? What kind of dumbass logic is that