Surprise, America! Once again the Federal Appeals Court of Honolulu has ruled against the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump in “exceeding the scope of his authority with his travel ban”.
The United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has said that they're putting their decision on hold pending a review from the United States Supreme Court, but here they are acting as if they're a Communist entity that has authority over the rest of the nation.
A stunning turn of events led the court to release a whopping 77 page ruling late on Friday, where a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Seattle ruled unanimously that the ban exceeds the constitutional authority of the executive branch, and that the Trump administration had failed to prove that “nationality alone renders entry of this broad class of individuals a heightened security risk or that current screening processes are inadequate.”
The decision upheld the ruling of a federal Judge in October.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Congress should breakup the Ninth Circuit <a href=""></a></p>— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) <a href="">December 23, 2017</a></blockquote>
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The Supreme Court allowed the travel ban to take full effect while two challenges to the case wound their way through appeals court.
The 4th circuit in Maryland is expected to rule on a similar case soon.
This means that travel to the United States is blocked, with some exceptions, from eight countries: Iran, Chad, Yemen, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Libya, and Venezuela. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the case definitively in 2018.
The Trump administration had since modified the list of countries from the first two versions of its ban, in what President Trump had touted on the campaign trail as part of his agenda.
Despite this, the 9th Circuit said that the president had engaged in unconstitutional “nationality discrimination.”
Unlike previous versions of the travel ban, the newest of the Trump rulings is not time-limited, which the court also took issue with.
It said that “the proclamation duration can be considered definite only to the extent one presumes that the restrictions will, indeed, incentivize countries to improve their practices. There is little evidence to support such an assumption.”
At this point it's about time for Hawaii, Obama's “home” outside of Kenya, to go ahead and begin waiving the Communist flag since it clearly doesn't represent the interests of the rest of America.
The travel ban itself, however, remains in effect.
The Supreme Court issued an order this month saying the ban can be enforced while challenges to the policy make their way through the legal system.
This case, a challenge brought by the state of Hawaii, is one of those challenges.
The American people are beyond fed up with this court, and it's continued efforts to subvert the Presidency on behalf of the Democratic Party.
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Live in Hawaii,local government sucks!Couldnt agree with article more!