Law enforcement in New Jersey says they were forced to respond to a scene of chaos at the Cherry Hill Mall, where over one thousand ‘juveniles’ (they're thugs, uneducated, undisciplined, and disruptive criminals) arrived to engage in their premeditated crimes.
Innocent shoppers have been placed at risk by the animals, who clearly have no place in a civilized society; as proven by the fact that they were creating a dangerous public disturbance and safety concern both inside of the mall and outside of the JCPenney entrance to the located on Route 38.
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Multiple patrons of the mall called in to report the flood of violent criminal teens destroying public property and fighting amongst themselves in what appears to be a massively coordinated riot.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Well .. ♂️ happy holidays everyone <a href="">@QualityFights</a> <a href="">@30secondfights</a> <a href="">@WORLDSTAR</a> <a href="">@WORLDSTAR</a> <a href="">@BestFightsEverr</a> <a href=""></a></p>— シ (@_johnsherry) <a href="">December 23, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Several videos are spreading like wildfire of the fights which broke out both inside and outside the mall, with many locals describing the events as being a series of <i>”flash riots”</i>, further displaying the ignorance and poor parenting that has resulted in such extremely violent behavior.
At least five of the savages have been taken into Police custody, Cherry Hill Police said, and added that those arrested included four minors from Camden and one from Cherry Hill.
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The charges against the criminal teenagers included both disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, police said to<a href=""> Local 6 ABC</a>.
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This new incident comes just days after the Cherry Hill Police sent an urgent message to parents on Facebook asking for them to man up to their responsibilities and keep these savage teenagers in cages with discipline if necessary, due to the prevalence of these flash riots occurring over the period of the past several months.
Cherry Hill Police said, “The day after Christmas is one of the busiest shopping days of the season,” officers wrote. “Over the last few years, malls nationwide have seen an increase in the number of unattended juveniles that are dropped off at retail shopping centers creating disturbances and engaging in criminal behavior.”
There has to come a point where if parents are unable to raise their children to have respect for the law or discipline that we start charging the parents with crimes.
This is absolutely ridiculous, and it's apparent these ‘kids’ are only going to become future welfare recipients of America, if not behind bars when they're grown.
The civilized society of America is going to to have to come to terms with some tough decisions in the near future, as we cannot, and will not, continue to pay taxes that feed, clothe, and house animals like this who violate our laws.
It is of my personal opinion; as per agreement with the<a href=""> research of philosophers and scientists</a>; many of these types of primitive people will never be able to assimilate into our society.
When the parents were allowed to run wild, as were their grandparents; now so will the current generation who hold almost no values or work ethic.
It's crystal clear that while it's politically incorrect to discuss these issues, it's time that the civilized people in America, of every culture and background, have realistic discussions on these problems.
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You simply cannot have one thousand teenagers rioting in a mall and think there isn't a serious problem.
<strong><span style="color:red;">Tips? Info? Send me a message!</span></strong>
—<i>[email protected]</i>
<i>Follow Me On Twitter:</i>
<a href="">@IWillRedPillYou</a>
Blacks are starting to behave as savagely as the haredim in Israel.
If the shoppers we're allowed to be armed in New Jersey that kinda shit would not happen. Criminals hate intended victims with surprises.
A 1000 (juveniles)… Let's not suger coat, They're a bunch of Undisciplined Uneducated Little Bastards who Don't have a father figure to show them right from wrong, and and a so called (mother figure) who's probably too busy not raising her other 10 kids!!!!! They NEED to start holding the Parent(s) of these Up And Coming Criminals Accountable for their Actions!!!!! Why should law Abiding Citizens have to deal with them!!!! Funny how all these situations happen in Gun Free States.
Lol at all the virgin old people. I wasn’t there nor do I do condone this but they are kids. You know you remember when you were one? Or are you too old poor and miserable now. Take your depressed lonely ass outside. It is corny to pick a incident out of 1000s Times teens are there. Eyl
Lol at all the virgin old people. I wasn’t there nor do I do condone this but they are kids. You know you remember when you were one? Or are you too old poor and miserable now. Take your depressed lonely ass outside. It is corny to pick a incident out of 1000s Times teens are there. Eyl
>5 arrested out of 1000
Do a better fucking job.