By: Kyle James | 12-28-2017 | News
Photo credit: Oleg Zabielin |

Muslim Mayor Of Second Largest Dutch City Says He Is A Salafi Jihadist

As if European countries like Sweden didn't have enough to worry about, now the mayor of Rotterdam, a city in the Netherlands, has proclaimed himself a Salafi Jihadist.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Moroccan mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb calls himself a salafist. <br><br>A salafist as a mayor of the 2nd biggest city of The Netherlands is a total disgrace and a threat.<br><br>He should be removed from office immediately.<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) <a href="">December 25, 2017</a></blockquote>

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That's right, Ahmed Aboutaleb, mayor of the second largest Dutch city took to Dutch radio to say that he sometimes considers himself a jihadist and that "every Muslim is a bit of a Salafist."

Salafi jihadism is a highly extreme sect of the Muslim religion that believes in "physical" jihadism and the Salafi movement of returning to what adherents believe to be true Sunni Islam.

Great! Just what you want to hear your mayor say, that he believes in an extremist ideology that is even more strict than the broader Muslim religion.

Aboutaleb then tries to rationalize his statement by proclaiming the same about Christians, "Salafists can also be found among Christians if you approach it linguistically. Salaf is a progenitor, and a Salafist is someone who wants to look like his progenitor."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="nl" dir="ltr">Aboutaleb: Ik ben een salafist <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@nporadio1</a></p>&mdash; Tijs van den Brink (@TijsvandenBrink) <a href="">December 25, 2017</a></blockquote>

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"For example, a Muslim who wants to look like Mohammed. In Christianity, you also have people who want to look like Christ in their actions. Every Muslim is a bit of a Salafist," he explained.

Jihadist Aboutaleb went on to say, "I get up every day at 7 o’clock to do good for a city in the Netherlands. That is the jihad in its purest form."

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