A Texas attorney and prominent art collector will think twice before showing his house to a first date ever again after what happened on 23 December. On that day, the well-known Houston trial lawyer Mr Anthony Buzbee brought 29-year-old Lindy Lou Hayman to his River Oaks home to ‘show his art collection’.
According to the suit filed by Mr Buzbee’s Lawyer, Miss Lindy Lou Layman then got intoxicated, so he called her an Uber taxi but she refused to leave, and instead hid in his grand house. He then called her a second Uber but she still refused and instead got quite violent, yelling “I’m not leaving,” to the driver.
At this point, she started acting out her aggression towards Mr Buzbee’s art collection apparently. The woman destroyed three original paintings by Andy Warhol by pouring red wine over them and two abstract sculptures at the 12,000-square-foot mansion. According to the criminal complaint Mr Buzbee filed against her, she left at least $300,000 in damage.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Police say court reporter Lindy Lou Layman, 29, got drunk during a first date with Houston lawyer Anthony Buzbee and intentionally damaged two $500,000 Andy Warhol paintings during a Christmas Eve incident: <a href="https://t.co/tF5Lien2Gt">https://t.co/tF5Lien2Gt</a> <a href="https://t.co/xS3KaF5Kab">pic.twitter.com/xS3KaF5Kab</a></p>— Heavy.com (@HeavySan) <a href="https://twitter.com/HeavySan/status/946097380889305088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 27, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Mr Buzbee declared that: “She pulled a Renoir and a Monet off the wall. Luckily those weren’t damaged.”
“It’s not the first time I’ve had guests at a party of mine over imbibe,” he stated furthermore.
“Most leave when you ask them. She didn’t.”
Ms Layman was later released from jail on $30,000 bond.
Mr Buzbee is a well-known figure in Houston. In 2016, he hosted a fundraiser for then still presidential candidate Donald Trump. At that bash, the attendees paid between $5,400 and a quarter of a million dollars to come. He first rose to fame when he defended former Texas governor Rick Perry in an abuse-of-power case.
Could that face look any more fake?