By: Steve Dellar | 12-31-2017 | News
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Kansas Teen X-Mas: ‘I asked for Lorde tickets. Not The Lord’

In what is now already a legendary X-Mas parent prank, 18-year-old Miss Jorji Kellog had asked her mom and dad for Lorde tickets, but they claim to have understood she wanted to see ‘The Lord’, and therefore got her ‘fake’ tickets to go see Pastor Joel Osteen.

So on Christmas morning, Jorji opened an envelope which she thought would be the long-awaited tickets to go and see the New Zealand singer a music concert at the Kansas City Spirit Centre in March 2018, but to her great surprise, there was a note from her parents and tickets for Pastor Joel Osteen.

The note read: "Jorji, Dad and I are so proud and happy that you want to grow your faith and spend time with the Lord. Enjoy Pastor Joel Osteen at the Spirit centre."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I asked for Lorde tickets. Not The Lord. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jorji Kellogg (@JorjiIsAwesome) <a href="">27 December 2017</a></blockquote>

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Jorji’s parents had gone through quite the effort to make a mock-up A4 sheet that read: "AEG presents A Night With Our Lord and Saviour Joel Osteen."

The girl said: "I was thrown and wondering why they thought I had meant the Lord instead of Lorde."

"My dad then gave me another card that looked exactly like the first. It said 'Ha Lorde' and the real tickets were inside."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Could&#39;ve done it better with <a href="">@lordofficial</a>. Personally, I&#39;d be furious if someone would get me Lorde tickets instead of Lord😂. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ash Kapriélov (@ash_kaprielov) <a href="">December 30, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Her post has been shared so many times on Twitter by now that many believe the real Lorde has already seen it and will be sending tickets herself soon, therefore Jorji’s mother chimed in: "Now if we get the almost 10K Twitter people to stop begging Lorde for tix, that'd be great. She's going to see Lorde people 😜."


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Anonymous No. 14973 2017-12-31 : 08:14

Ha, that's good pranking.

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