The former Attorney General Michael Mikasey made a statement on Sunday in which he said that President Trump is likely correct that there was surveillance on Trump Tower for intelligence purposes. Mikasey said that he think’s Trump is right that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general at the Justice Department.
President Trump said that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower just before the November election. In response, a spokesman for Obama declined that the former President or the White House ordered any such surveillance.
Mikasey served under former President George W. Bush, he said that he believes there was surveillance on Trump Tower after reading certain news reports.
President Trump has had to escalate his war with Obama and as a result a committee in Congress resolved to look into his claims that Obama and his administration abused executive powers in the last year of the election.
The congressional investigation into the matter marks the latest high stakes salvo from Mr. Trump, who has emphasized that he was victim of the dirty tricks that were unleashed in the campaign period.
Obama has said that the allegations are false as his former intelligence chief also denied the claims. However, Obama cannot be trusted with whatever comes from his deceptive statements.
The White House press secretary also said that reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations were troubling. He said that President Trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.
Devin Nunes, who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said that the Committee will make inquiries into whether the governments was conducting surveillance activities on any political party’s campaign officials or surrogates.
The committee has already started examining possible links between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia. A member of the Senate Intelligence Committee also said that it would investigate the matter, adding that they are going to follow the facts wherever they lead.
The reports issued suggest that the FBI had a warrant from a secret court to carry out electronic surveillance at Trump Tower. Reports stretching back to November suggest that the FBI contained a warrant under the Foreign Surveillance Act (FISA) to conduct electronic surveillance at Trump Tower as the election was about to end.