By: Earnest Jones | 03-12-2017 | News
Photo credit: Scott Griessel | Dreamstime

Utah Makes POLYGAMY Illegal Again

Polygamists may have to find a new state; this is after Lawmakers in Utah outlawed polygamy by re-criminalizing the marriage practice.

The House Bill 99, which was sponsored by Rep. Mike Noel, R-Kanab, was voted 15-14 by Utah’s Senate. This will make it a crime for someone to practice having more than one wife or husband at the same time.

The bill has also added a penalty if there’s bullying in a marriage, sex abuse, child abuse, domestic violence or human trafficking that’s involved.

The bill also adds a safe harbor exemption for people who leave polygamous relationships.

Senator. Kevin Van Tassell, R-Vernal, who voted for the bill urged his fellow colleagues to support him in passing the bill since he believed that it was a need that Utah needs to address.

The bill has been passed amid leaks by a website called Mormon leaks which seeks to expose the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS Church that claims to be the only true and living church on the face of the whole earth.

The leak has provided a closer look into how the leadership in church operates and the relationship it has with Mormons in politics, it also goes further to question whether or not Mormons used their influence to advance the interest of their church and whether any form of bribery was used.

There are several videos that the group has posted online, one of the video shows the former Republican Senator Gordon H. Smith of Oregon sharing with apostles of the church that he voted in favor of the Iraq War because he believed it could open the region for Mormon missionaries.

Smith emphasized that if succeeded, there would be an opportunity to begin building the church in the Middle East.

Another video shows a Republican Mike Leavitt, a former governor of Utah and head of the transition team to Mitt Romney assuring apostles that Mormon, Catholic and evangelical leaders were all fighting against abortion and gay marriages in state legislatures.

The bill against polygamy will have to cross the Governor of Utah Gary Herbert’s desk where he can choose to sign or veto the bill if necessary.


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