By: Earnest Jones | 03-16-2017 | News
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

FBI chief to testify publicly on Russian interference

||| Gage Skidmore / Flickr |||

Lawmakers were busy on Wednesday as they look into Russia’s role in the presidential election.

The FBI Director James Comey briefed the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The leaders of the House Intelligence Committee said that Comey had agreed to publicly testify before the panel.

Lawmakers want the FBI to clear up Trump’s statement that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. They also want to know if the FBI is investigating Trump campaign aides for potential involvement with Russia.

The House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and ranking member Adam Schiff announced that Comey will appear before their panel at the public hearing on Monday.

The event will make a great show since the Democrats are likely to manipulate Comey to criticize Trump’s claim.

At the end of the day, it's obvious that Comey will anger either key members of Congress or the President.

The FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency head Adm. Michael Rogers will testify publicly in the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the election.

The first public hearing will be held by the panel on March 20.

The Senate is set to start considering the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch on the same day.

The FBI Director has been under pressure from Democrats. They want him to reveal whether the FBI is investigating the alleged links between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials.

James Comey has been silent on the matter. This has angered the Democrats. The Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee have also complained about access to information from the intelligence agencies as part of their investigation.

The FBI director is also facing pressure to reveal whether or not there is any truth to the president's claims that Trump Tower was wiretapped by President Obama in 2016.


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