McDonald’s corporate account made a tweet calling President Trump a disgusting excuse of a President.
The tweet was made on Thursday morning. The company claims that the tweet was the work of a hacker.
The tweet was temporarily pinned to the top of the account before it was deleted. The tweet mocked Trump and called for the return of former President Obama.
McDonald’s later apologized in a statement that said the account was hacked.
Terri Hickey, who is the company’s spokeswoman said that based on McDonald’s investigation, the company had determined that the Twitter account was hacked. She said that the account was hacked by an external source.
She also said that the company had taken swift action to secure the account.
President Trump was once in a commercial for the fast food company. He even posted images eating McDonald’s food on his social media accounts in the campaign.
The fast food chain said that its corporate Twitter account had been hacked. However, critics believe that is just an excuse.
McDonalds wrote a Tweet saying that Twitter had notified the company that the account was compromised.
Concerned citizens have raised their voices on McDonald’s has already started losing customers.
One of the boards on has called out on the company as people pronounce death on its chemical food.
One of the users on the board emphasized that no self-respecting person should shop at McDonalds.
Several people have promised that they’ll never eat at McDonalds. Another 8chan user has said that the fast food chain was trying to appeal to its primary customers.
It’s now obvious that we should all go to Wendies for our chicken tendies.
It’s important to note that the former Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs is now the executive vice president and global chief communications officer at McDonald's.
How convenient could the so-called hacking be? This shows that the tweet was made by Robert Gibbs as a direct attack to President Trump.
People have realized that McDonalds is a bad business. The company will obviously pay the price for mocking President Trump. A financial disaster will hit the company very soon.
Fire Gibbs, you don't need political activists running your company. As long as Gibbs is there, I will be fast dining on Burger King, Steak n Shake or Wendys,