President Donald Trump is sure that the Obama tapped his headquarters phones at the Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential election.
Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano added his own belief that Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) helped the Obama administration to spy on Trump. The GCHQ is the British equivalent of the National Security Agency (NSA) of the U.S.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer repeated what Napolitano said on Thursday.
GCHQ denied in a statement that it helped spy on Trump. They said. "utterly ridiculous and that it should be ignored.”
A deputy director of the NSA took the side of the GCHQ and said the accusation was non-sense. Richard Ledgelt said the idea of Britain helping the Obama administration to spy on Trump was a crazy idea because the British government has nothing to gain from doing that. The deputy director said the accusation was politically not realistic.
National security columnist, security consultant and former NSA analyst John Schindler has given his interesting short opinion on the matter. Schindler has become the authority of conservatives on national security matters. He is also very active on Twitter and has strong, loyal following including conservatives and pro-Trump Americans.
He shared a Reuters article on Twitter where NSA deputy director Richard Ledgelt was interviewed. Schindler took particular notice of Ledgelt's language, especially calling the possible team-up of NSA and GCHQ to spy on Trump as "non-sense".
Ledgelt said that no intel community senior official has ever spoken publicly like that. NSA officials often do not speak publicly at all on controversial issues. Ledgelt's comments could be seen by some as a disrespect to Trump and his administration. Trump's relationship with the intel community has been described as "tense" even before he was sworn into office.
Then Ledgelt saved his quick, short but strong comment in the end, suggesting that Trump has guts nobody has. He added: " but then no President of the U.S. has ever called the intel community Nazis plus criminals".
Trump will always say what is on his mind and what he feels is the truth, no matter who gets hurt.