President Donald Trump believes that #AmericaFirst is the key to make America great again.
Trump tweeted today that "It's time to put #AmericaFirst when it comes to how we spend taxpayers' money. We will keep our people safe." The President also shared a link to his budget proposal for 2018 which he called " America First" and " A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again". In his message to Congress in the budget proposal, Trump said anew that the American people elected him to fight for their priorities in Washington, D.C. The President said the people are expecting him to deliver on his promise to protect the nation. He said he will make sure that he will keep such promise.
Trump also said that government budgets reflect priorities, and so his proposed budget also shows the changes in spending he wants to make to push for the safety and security of the American people. He said that the safety of the people is his number one priority, because without safety there can be no progress. Trump said that he has instructed his budget director Mick Mulvaney to prepare a budget that gives priority to national security and public safety.
It is not surprising then that the 2018 Budget puts the defense spending at the center and plays the most important part.
Trump's first budget has one of the largest increases in defense spending in American history. The President is requesting $ 639 billion budget for the Department of Defense. There is a $54 billion increase in defense spending for 2018. This budget alone is already bigger than the whole defense budget of most countries. Trump is also confident that the defense budget’s huge increase will be done without increasing our debt. The additional budget for defense would come from non-defense programs. Trump said the government has to learn to do more with less. He said he wants to make the government to be "lean" and to be accountable to the people.
The budget also increases the budget for immigration enforcement at the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. There will also be additional resources to build a wall on the southern border with Mexico. It will also give additional budget for immigration judges, for bigger detention capacity, for lawyers, for immigration and custom officers and for Border Patrol agents.
Trump also plans to increase the budget for addressing violent crimes and illegal drugs abuse.
The much bigger defense budget will also provide the necessary resources needed to fast track the defeat of terrorist group ISIS. The additional money would go to funding the Defense Department's efforts to attack ISIS targets, support partners fighting on the ground, to disrupt the group's outside operations, and to cut off the terrorist group's financing.
The proposed budget promises to take of the military and to make sure they have the tools they need to protect the U.S. Trump said the military should be able to keep the country from getting into war. But should his military be called upon to fight, there should only be one goal: win.