By: Earnest Jones | 03-19-2017 | News
Photo credit: Ramzi Hachicho | Dreamstime

Islamic Prayers At The Vatican Every Sunday

Vatican has decided to hold Islamic prayers. This will be the first time that words from the Quran will be heard at the Vatican. Vatican is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s therefore unusual for Islam prayers to take place.

It’s also home to the Pope. The Islamic prayers will be held on Sunday. Pope Francis started the move. The Roman Catholic leader intends to bring peace between Israelis and the Palestinians. Pope Francis had made a visit to Jordan Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Pope Francis invited Israeli President Shimon Peres and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

The spokesperson of President Shimon Peres made a statement in which he announced in Times of Israel that Abbas, Peres, and Pope Francis will be joined by Jewish, Christian and Islamic religious leaders.

The Associated Press reported, officials said that the evening prayers would help the take a break from politics and have no political aim behind it. Their sole intent will be the desire to bring peace and respect to the Israeli-Palestinian relations.

The event will be broadcasted by the Vatican on its website. It will be broadcasted worldwide.

Rev. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, who is the custodian of Catholic Church property in the Holy Land has already taken the initiative to warn people. He told people not to have very high expectations in regard to the event.

Rev. Pizzaballa said that no one should think that peace will suddenly break out on Monday or that peace will be attained any time soon.

The Roman Catholic headquarters also made an announcement on Friday that the Pope also held a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Both leaders are reported to have discussed the possible solutions that can promote and bring peace and stability in the Asian countries.


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Fuckface Von Clownstick No. 1874 2017-03-21 : 03:58

The event will be broadcasted by the Vatican on its website. It will be broadcasted worldwide.

REALLY? Broadcasted? Did you make it out of Middle School?

John No. 1961 2017-03-26 : 16:13

This intention of the Pope to have islamic prayers at the vatican is by the Pope's choice this wil now endanger catholics.. becase once islam usres a place for worship they will fight everyone else for using the building for anything other than islam.

May God have mercy on Francis for his arrogance and lack of backbone for being Catholic this servers man not God.

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