World Frog Day is celebrated on the 20th of March. It's a day meant for people to learn more about frogs and what has already caused many species to die out.
The world has over 4,000 species of frogs. Approximately 170 species of frogs have become extinct in the past decade.
Human activity and fungal infections are the major causes of frogs dying out.
This is because frogs breathe and absorb water through their skin. Hence, if foreign chemicals and toxins are added to the water source, they absorb it along with the water.
Many species of frogs are infected by fungus that covers the pores on the frog's skin. This prevents them from breathing properly or being able to absorb water.
Frogs are very important and interesting animals. It would be a shame if they were to die out completely.
The Goliath frog is the largest living frog that can grow to be over a foot long. The smallest frog is the Paedophryne amauensis which only grows to be less than a centimeter.
Every frog acquires a new ring around his bones during hibernation. The same happens with trees, which have rings.
Most of the frog species are poisonous. The most poisonous frog is the golden dart frog. Its poison is deadly enough to kill ten grown humans.
Majority of people will celebrate World Frog Day by spreading awareness of frogs.
Others might want to have a little fun with the holiday and do things like making frog decorations, throwing a party that has a frog theme, or even dressing in all green to make themselves look like a frog.
If you're interested in acquiring more information and education on frogs, it's important to watch a documentary about frogs.
There are numerous threats that face frogs and other amphibians, it's upon each of us to protect the frog from extinction.