By: Ace Jackson | 03-21-2017 | News
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8chan Attacked by George Soros’s Media Empire

George Soros’s lackeys have blamed the recent Emma Watson nude picture release on 8chan.

Like some ninja from 8chan hacked into her phone and secretly took photos of Ms. Watson naked. I am sure that the staff of 8chan, had nothing to do with that, because they are a respectable website. Surely the staff and users of 8chan will get over being accused of hacking Emma Watson quickly. After the person responsible is actually found.

What is despicable about this, is Media Matters which is owned by George Soros, is using the lovely Emma Watson as an excuse to lobby for the removal of free speech from the internet.

Ms. Watson was hacked and her personal selfies of herself naked and sexy were released, and posted all over the internet, not just on 8chan. The sites they were posted to deleted the images when they were reported. That is the rule, and surely all of the respectable websites did just that. Some degenerate jerk stealing and posting the secret naked pictures of a starlet committed a crime. That single individual crime, committed by some sub-human somewhere. Is now being used as the kindling to start a fire to put out the liberty in America. The right to free speech is at stake.

We all know that George Soros has considerable power, and influence around the world. At times, it appears he has gotten his wealth in less than respectable fashion. From his youth, working at the prison camp, collecting the gold from prisoners’ teeth, to now in his 80’s financing terror across the country, by donating and supporting BLM Black Lives Matter, and paying for terror at GOP conventions. Paid protesters are often paid by Mr. Soros. His globalist, one world agenda, undermines American Nationalism and the ability for America to be great again.

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Anonymous No. 1887 2017-03-21 : 14:00

That politically motivated harassment is exactly what the constitution was designed to protect. If you want one party government where there is no fighting back if you don't agree move off to a one party country like North Korea. They will be happy to have you. I'm sure.

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