By: Earnest Jones | 03-22-2017 | News
Photo credit: Neneo | Dreamstime

Social Media’s False Reality Slammed By Pope Francis

Young people have been warned by Pope Francis. The Pope said that young people should battle the temptation of false versions of life that are presented on reality TV shows and on social media.

The Pope suggested that the Internet generation should spend more time writing their own histories.

He also urged the young to become masters of their destiny and establish real connections with their past.

The 80-year-old pontiff was speaking in a video message for World Youth Day, on April 9.

He emphasized that we should acknowledge the need to reflect on our lives and direct them into the future.

The Pope said that faces of young people appear on social media as they recount more or less real events. However, he added that it’s not clear how much of the content is really history or an experience that can be shared and gifted with meaning and purpose.

Francis blasted the reality TV shows. He said that they are not real stories, but only moments that have been passed before a television camera by characters living from day to day without a greater plan in life.

He therefore urged the youth not to let themselves be led astray by the false image of reality. He recommended that the youth should be the heroes of their history by deciding their future.

The comments that Pope Francis gave reiterated a speech he gave to teens. He urged the teens not to allow themselves to become couch potatoes.

Social media culture that has cause concern to psychologists. This includes the photo-shopping of images to selective editing of events recorded online to project images of happiness and success that are false.

Francis said that having a past is not the same as having a history. He said that it’s important for the young people to recognize the memories that are really significant in relation to the past.

He emphasized that the memories should be significant to our hearts and that they should help to give meaning to our lives.

Pope Francis said that young people could be in a better position to make more sense of their lives and past by spending time with grandparents. He also said that keeping a daily journal on which one could contemplate on in the evening was also important in making sense of one’s life.

Francis pointed out that the young people should draw inspiration from the example of Mary the mother of Jesus.


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