Last Sunday, I wrote an op-ed after Delta and United had decided to stop offering discounts to NRA members, in which I noted that American customers are the most loyal ever and that the airlines risk offending some of their trusted clients.
One week later and a Lawmaker in Georgia feels offended enough to introduce a tax bill that will indeed punish Delta airlines to the tune of $38 million.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I will kill any tax legislation that benefits <a href="">@Delta</a> unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with <a href="">@NRA</a>. Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.</p>— Casey Cagle (@CaseyCagle) <a href="">February 26, 2018</a></blockquote>
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The GOP controlled state of Georgia therefore passed a sweeping tax bill scrapping a jet-fuel tax break that directly benefited Delta Airlines. Many interpreted it correctly as a retaliatory move over the company's policy regarding the National Rifle Association (NRA).
<i>Related coverage: <a href="">As Delta And United Cut Ties With The NRA, Is An NFL Comparison In Order?</a></i>
The vote came into being after Lieutenant Governor Mr Casey Cagle threatened Delta on February 26 via Twitter, explaining he would oppose any legislation that benefited the airline if it wouldn’t reinstate its NRA benefits program.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Discriminating against the <a href="">@NRA</a> has consequences<br>VIDEO: Georgia lawmakers yank tax break for Delta after airline cuts ties with NRA <br>On what grounds were they getting an exemption anyway? <a href=""></a> <a href="">#FoxNews</a></p>— Deplorable Linda G. (@GartrellLinda) <a href="">March 1, 2018</a></blockquote>
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As one of Georgia's biggest employers, the airline hoped to secure the tax break on jet fuel. It the GOP would have decided to pass the legislation, it would have meant a $38 million saving per year. Mr Cagle vowed Delta will not see this money until they reinstate the NRA discount.
Twitter: #QAnon #news #NRA #BoycottDelta #Trump #USA #Georgia
I have been a NRA member off and on .
Usually only when they actually are advancing rights and doing something instead of coasting along like they did during Bush and now Trump.
But I have serious issues with any Government bribing businesses to stay or blackmailing them using tax exemptions to do social related activities.
Yes I know a business Delta employs and generates tax revenues related $$$$$ worth 100's of Millions to the GA economy. But why not just make the Tax rates better all around instead of Cherry Picking Big Businesses ?
Now the other shoe…
DELTA and the LGBT Community aka sending AIDS around the world at a Discount